Stick With The Story
Try and stay on topic throughout the story! We want it to stay interesting, and if people go off topic, then it’ll bring down the story!! It’s ok to add in relief humor, and to elaborate on your character’s personality, but if you want to add your own change, (and I mean a big one that will change the storyline!!) PM ME AND ASK ME FIRST!!!

No God Actors
Everyone in this story has their strengths, but they also have WEAKNESSES!! You have to take the fall every once in a while; I’m not saying you can’t pull of some awesome trick at least once in the story (because every character has the right to shine once!!), but accept your weaknesses, and don’t be afraid to take the fall!! You’d be surprised how much more interesting the story can get!!

Stay Away From the Damsel In Distress!
I said no god actors, but please don’t be the person who is always getting kidnapped and needs help! It’s annoying if it happens too much! Save being a powerless weakling for your real life!

Some Degree of Literacy
I ask that you show a little knowledge of literacy (if you don’t know what that word means, then GET OUT!!) I’m not saying that if you don’t start your sentences with a capital letter or write names properly that I’m gonna kick you out…. but for goodness sake don’t use computer language!! If you want to say “sorry” then write it as such and not “sry”!! If you’re not good at spelling, that’s o.k, but at least make an effort so that others can at least tell what you were trying to say.

Keep Things On A PG- 13 Level And Nothing More!!
I don’t want to get in trouble for what YOU write!!! Romance is good, it really thickens the plotline!! But keep it on a certain level!! This story is meant to be interesting, not disgusting!!!

Cussing/ Swearing
This is allowed, but only to a small degree (that means don’t go all gangster and swear every sentence!!) Try to keep it as minimal as possible!!

Don’t Ask To Join And Never Add
If you want to be a part of this story, then PM ME AND ASK ME FIRST!! (The character profile requirements are mentioned later) once you’ve gotten permission from me, then you can post!! But if you choose to join, then you actually have to add!! If you’re going on vacation for a couple of weeks, or can’t get to your computer for a while, THEN TALK TO ME!! That way I won’t delete you from the thread!! HOWEVER YOU HAVE TO PM ME WHEN YOU GET BACK!!!!!!

( ) [ ] and { } Your Best Friends!
If you have something to say other than a post like ‘I have to go’ or ‘I like your avi!’ then use one of the above symbols!

The most important rule!!!

What I say goes, and these are my rules!!!!!! If any of the rules are disobeyed, then I will warn you, but if it continues, then I will KICK THAT PERSON OUT!!! If someone starts trouble with you, tell me first, don’t continue what he started!! OR YOU’LL BOTH GET IN TROUBLE!!! If you break the rules once, then I’ll give you a warning and ask you to change your post. If you break the rules in a second post, then I will delete that post altogether. And if you break the rules a third time, then that’s it, AND YOUR GONE!! It’s three strikes and you’re out folks!!! So just stick to the rules!!!!

One more thing; Thread Moderators
Please obey the thread moderators; they have every right to get me into trouble if there is any misbehavior in anyone’s posts. They’re just doing their job, so please don’t get rebellious!! Each one of them has important tasks and jobs to perform as a moderator. They are also a committee of supervisors and advisors of the thread, and as a group, they uphold the rules and regulations of this thread. If anyone has questions or anything that must be addressed or suggested, please contact them accordingly.

**Credit for rules goes to Midnight_Moon_Angel1221