Luther learned back in his chair propping feet up onto his desk staring at the ceiling in thought. There haven't been many trainers that had come along to the newly discovered continent and he worried over the ones that had since their arrival. He had heard no news of their success to many if any gyms and there didn't seem to be any boats coming to the island except for supplies. He grumbled to himself adjusting his glasses noticing a sweeping sound around the lab in not one but various areas. He looked around to see the sight of numerous brooms and feather dusters floating around tidying up the place. He smiled a bit and sighed as he thought to himself.

At least someone hasn't given up on the hope of new trainers.

His partner Silvia, a Gardevoir, was humming to herself as she cheerfully cleaned the lab. She had been at Luther's side since she was given to him as a Ralts back in Hoenn. She had always been his faithful companion and never strayed far from him ever. She gracefully danced as she directed her cleaning tools here and there making sure to make it as spotless as possible. Luther took his legs from the desk and turned in his chair to watch her. Her dancing could always brighten his mood seeing her move so fluidly was as calming as watching a flowing stream.

Luther decided that he would assist her in her work and started to look around for something he too could cleanse. As usual, she hadn't missed a thing as far as he could see. He just shook his head and lifted himself off his shoulders to place his hand gently on her head stroking it softly.

"You don't know just how much i value your assistance Silvia. You always have performed excellently in everything we've done together."

His gentle, caring touch as well as his kind words formed a small blush to form on her cheeks. She smiled warmly and cooed softly enjoying his pets. She waved her hand putting away her cleaning items and wrapped her arms around him resting her head to his chest. He promptly returned her embrace chuckling a bit.

"As long as you have hope i will to. One day we'll have a champion arrive and then we'll see a parade of new challengers. Just a matter of time, right Silvia?"

Just as that was said he heard the jingle of the door knob and the door swung open...

(Feel free to start off of this ^^)