. 。 。 ↷ ↷ Pompeo __○ ✿ ○__ Paxton ↶↶ 。 。 .

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❛❛__Well aren’t you just an absolute peach!__❜❜

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██████████████████████████_______The basics, yeah?_______██████████████████████████

__________________ Hey there! Call me Pom-Pom (or just “Pom”), Peo, Pax, or Kory! Or you can just call me Coral~!

__________________ Can't you tell? I'm obviously a male. What? You couldn’t tell? A point for me then~!

__________________ Ah ha ha... Yes, I just so happen to be Homosexual. You know that cutie-pie mayor from Raynebow Valley? Complete sweetheart that one. I do so enjoy flirting with him. Do I have a crush on him? Oh ho ho, I’ll never tell~

__________________ You've likely seen me around; after all, I'm the mayor of Monotone Springs, of course! How did you not know that!?

__________________ My age? Don't know why you really care, but I'm twenty-nine and still looking oh so fine!

__________________ The best time of the year? Well of course it would be Summer 15th. You better wish me a happy birthday!

__________________ Oh! How could I forget one of the most important things? I live in Monotone Springs, duu-uuh!

__________________ Promise you won't egg me or play ding-dong ditch? In that case, I live in house #31. Do stop by sometime, hm? I’ll make some tea!

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██████████████████████████_______Want to know more?_______██████████████████████████

__________________ Come here, come close! I have a story to be told!

Weeeell…what can I say about little ol’ me, hm? There’s not a lot to tell to be honest. I’m just your ever so lovely mayor of Monotone Springs! What more do you need to know sweetie? If you’re that curious, couldn’t you have come to my house at least? I mean, then we could have had tea and snacks while I answered everything your little heart desired! But noooo! You had to come bother me at work when I’m actually in my office for once, didn’t you? Boy you’ve got quite good timing to be able to catch me in my office—I’m usually a tricky person to catch~ But since you’re here and I do not want to do my paperwork…I’ll be nice and tell you a bit about myself. Then we’re going out for icecream afterwards, okay? Your~ Treat~ ♪

Now let’s see here…ah right the beginning.

I grew up in a family of seven, myself being the seventh and youngest member—that’s why my parents named me “Pompeo” after all, it means “five”. So thusly I was the fifth child. Yay for fun facts! But all of my older siblings were boys which left my mother a little disappointed. I guess she’s always wanted a daughter or something. It can’t be that fun having six men around the house all the time. Anyway~ I was the youngest and smallest out of all my siblings. No rhyme or reason to it really, that’s just how it is. My mother feared it was because of poor health or something along those lines but I’m sure I’ve been as healthy as an ox since I was born—I can’t recall a time I was ever terribly ill. I was just more petite than my brothers; though, don’t think I’m a little weakling. If you do I won’t hesitate to show you I’m no fragile little flower. See, it’s believed my name, “Pompeo”, may have an origin after the Greek word “Pempo”. Do you know what that means? No? Yay, more fun facts! It means “The person in charge”. I’ll gladly show you who is in charge if you doubt me.

While growing up in a largely male homestead, my mother had this desire to have a daughter. Unfortunately that was not in the picture because our family was already large enough as it was. So in the end my mother began to project her image of a refined young lady on me. I was petite and cute and being so young, mother knew she could have a “daughter” for a little while until I matured and manned up a bit. In the end I was forced to wear dresses and other frilly little things to please my mother. Father wasn’t exactly thrilled and my brothers got quite a lot of laughs out of it, but it made mother happy so after a huge, huge, HUGE tantrum, I resigned to my fate. My brothers told me I’d grow out of it and she’d stop when I grew too big and manly to wear dresses anymore. Does it look like I’ve grown manlier since then? Strangely I haven’t. I’ve remained as feminine and beautiful in appearance as if I really had been born a female. It pleased my mother to no end to realize this even if I truly wasn’t a girl, I was close enough for her tastes. Thus the faux-daughter act continued for years. I don’t know how many years it went on for until she finally snapped out of this strange phase of hers. I may have been ten or eleven then, I’m not one hundred percent sure. I just remember one day she told me I didn’t have to continue on with this “silly game” of hers. I think she told me that when she caught me rummaging through her makeup kit in the bathroom…oh well, regardless of when it happened, she said that and for once I felt totally free to make my own choice. It’s obvious what I chose, don’t you think? I had grown accustomed to this charade of dressing like a female and it suited me so much better. Plus dresses were cute and comfy, so of course I enjoyed them once I learned to get used to them.

Huh? Oh school was never any trouble for me. See, no one at school ever knew I was really a male. They were all completely convinced I was just another girl going to school with them. Isn’t that silly~? Maybe it had something to do with the fact I went by “Coral” in school…could that be it? Maybe! So, anyways, I was never harassed for being a male and dressing up like a girl. I’m glad nothing bad happened because young egos are so easily crushed and children can be so cruel—it’s terribly heartbreaking. At least I was spared that bit of horribleness from school; school already has enough downers. I didn’t need to be ostracized because of my choice in lifestyle. I just had to pick and choose what I did carefully and execute it flawlessly, that’s all. No biggie! [/smile]

And that’s really about it. I mean of course I went off to college and all that. Though I guess I can say I never intended to become the mayor of Monotone Springs. It’s not like I set out in my life with the dream of being a mayor. I always wanted to be a model or something extravagant like that, but those dreams are often farfetched and hard to obtain. Still, one day it just struck me: Mayor of Monotone Springs. It’s not a lofty job and it takes a lot of work, but with my kind of determination and spirit, I feel I fit the bill pretty well. Don’t you?

Now, let’s go get some icecream!

__________________ Er... Well, I'm not sure how you would describe my personality. I'll do my best though!

Let’s see, let’s see~! People tend to think that I’m vain and narcissistic, which I’m not. Honest! There’s nothing wrong with wanting to look nice for others and yourself. I hate dressing like a slob and as mayor, I cannot dress like I rolled out of bed and picked up whatever was lying on the floor as my attire for the day. I have to look presentable at all times. Well, maybe not all times but you catch my drift, right? I won’t be wearing a suit to the beach or anything like that. Heavens no! I’ll be in swimwear just like everyone else. Though I must say my hair will be drastically different depending on the occasion. You see, my super long hair is nothing more than an elegant and extravagant wig. My real hair is short and much easier to maintain. So sometimes you’ll see me actually parading around as a boy instead of a girl~

That aside, I guess you could say I’m really spirited. I love to be around people! People are so different and exciting. They’re a joy to talk to and learn about, especially their cultures and hobbies. Perhaps that’s one perk of being the mayor, being able to see everyone for who they truly are or are pretending to be. Sometimes it makes me feel like I’m a puppeteer and the townspeople are my cute little puppets. Oh don’t fret! I’m not some evil mastermind or anything. Though I do love playing little pranks once in a while, everyone needs a laugh and entertainment you know! Especially me, the mayor!

Uhm…what else? I’m really quite peppy and cheerful. I guess I come across as childish at times but I can be really quite serious when there is a need to be. I don’t back down easily once I’m riled up and I’ll see any plan through until the end. I don’t give up half-way or even before starting. Sometimes I wonder if the words “Give up” are even in my dictionary. Haha… But that’s what the people need, right? In this crazy world of misfits and strangeness, people need a pillar of strength, a ray of light, and someone they can depend on. I try my best to be that person. But remember I’m only human. I have feelings and I am prone to anger and I can cry too. I’m not indestructible by any means. Just try to remember that, okay?

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██████████████████████████___This and that and more of this___██████████████████████████

__________________ Do I look fat? The last time I checked the scale, I was 137 lbs. Don’t you dare say I look fat!

__________________ Place me next to a ruler, and it will say I'm 5’ 7.5”.

__________________ What else have I done to myself? Pierced ears of course.

__________________ You want to get on my good side? Easy! Give me these! Sweets, baked goods (especially breads), music CDs or live performances, clothes, shoes, flowers, peaches, apples, fruit in general, icecream (❤), That cutie of a mayor from Raynebow Valley~ and so many more things. It’s the thought that counts!

__________________ But blegh; I'd rather not receive any of these... Garbage/Junk, failed dishes, weeds, asparagus, soy milk, soy anything really, mud/filth, and uhm…that’s it I think, ask me again later.

__________________ Shh, shh! Don't tell anyone! I'm truly afraid of lightning and thunder storms. Silly, I know.

__________________ When you get to know someone, you should know their favorite colour, right? Mine just so happens to be Coral pink!

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. 。 。 ↷ ↷___Sonpi-Chan___↶↶ 。 。 .