Have you ever been told by someone that they love you and then they go and break your heart? Well God will never ever break our hearts. God loves us very much and all we have to do is trust in him and believe in him and grow in his love. Has someever broken your heart because they feel like they can't love you like they can love God? I am dealing with a very hard break up right now but I know that God is here with me through it all and he will never leave me or break my heart. I loved this guy very much and I thought that he was the one for me and then just a couple of weeks ago he broke my heart. I have a very strong feeling though that we are going to get back together when things get a little easier like once we both have jobs, money, and a good life and not so much stress.

Have you ever been attacked by the devil? I have been physically, emotionally, and mental attacked by satan. All I did was pray and ask for God to help me and get me out of this and then I went to my Pastor and got blessed then I was much stronger than Satan and he couldn't get to me so all I could was stand there and say what now Satan. The physical attacks were the hardest to deal with. They happened for about a month but each time that they happened they got worse and worse. I can only remeber 3 of the physical attacks. One is I was walking upstairs to my dorm room and I got pushed down but yet no one was there at all so I knew exactly who it was. Then another night I was in my room getting something and I got slapped in the face and even had a mark on my face but yet no one was in my dorm room since my room mate was at home sick. Then one other night I wasvery tired and had fallen asleep doing my homework and woke up and went downstairs but as soon as I went downstairs I couldn't see anything and I ended up stumbling around the campus and people thought that I was drunk at first and then they saw that I couldn't see anything so they took me back to my room. I then ended up passing out and not moving until the next day. I know that I got physically attacked more I just don't remember what had happened.

Have you ever seen God personally? I have and it was the best exprience of my entire life. I was having a hard time for a very long time and finally I was just sitting on my bed crying out to God to hear me and let me know that he was there and then the next thing I knew he was right there sitting next to me and talking to me like you and I can talk if we were sitting right next to eachother. I didn't see jesus completely but I did see a figure was there. Then later on that week I did the same thing again and then there was God again. Then while God was right there with me I was scroll through the radio station on my radio and a song came on called "Held" by Natalie Grant. I then knew that it was a sign that God was working in my life. Now I am having a very hard time concentrating on God but I am really working on it and I am going to continue working on it. If anyone is going through a hard time and needs someone to talk to please feel free to PM me and I would love to talk to you about what is going on in your life. I am goign through a lot right now and I can relate to a lot of things that people are going through. For me you name something and most likely I have gone through it. I have been through a lot in my life. I been through tons of abuse of every sort and I have even been raped. So whatever you are goign through I will try my best to help you with it.