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Gaia Name: Raine Shiba

--------------------------} BASIC INFO {--------------------------

Character Name: Desmond Alexander Aether (Nicknamed Dessy or Des)

Gender: Male

Age: 30

Birthday: July 28

Age when Granted Power: 16

Blood Type: AB

Weight: 168 lbs

Affiliation: Leader of the Green Team

-Everything began when Desmond was 12. He was in middle school, like any other 12 year old, however he had met a girl on which he befriended instantly. The friendship strengthened as either two realized similarities within the other, however either did not realize there were also a similar amount of differences. The girl was Ebony, and their friendship took a sharp turn when either recognized their strong dislike of either color. As their arguments grew stronger and their debates less civilized,t he two grew apart and finally, left each other for good. Desmond would grow up to inherit the weapons company his deceased uncle once owned.

-Desmond continuously pursued the creation of effective and elaborate weapons, designed for the sole purpose of defense, as opposed to offense. The Company was a complete success, as Desmond revolutionized the weapons industry, he became a multi billionaire. However, there was a secret behind his designs that no other being knew. At the age of 16, Desmond discovered that his Uncle had worked alongside a group of spiritual beings that called themselves the Other-Worlders. They provided the technology and secrets behind advanced weaponry that enabled the uncle to incorporate with his own genius designs. Desmond adopted this ability, and he too, upon his uncle's passing, made a deal with the Other-Worlders. They saw Desmond as a possible host to wield the element of Light, in order to complete the cycle of individuals who wielded elements in different Realms. Desmond agreed, and worked harmoniously with these spiritual beings. As his power grew in numbers, he decided to mentor others in his same spiritual abilities, and so the Green Team was created. Little by little, those he taught increased, and soon enough he had an army's worth of followers who trained with their granted spiritual powers. Each individual was separated into specific groups depending on their own physical design. It is with this special force that Desmond and his allies fight the Blue Team with.

-As he grew up from his pre-teens, and to this day he is served by his personal butler, Jeeves, who has helped raise him since he was young. Desmond has grown close to Jeeves and has learned several martial arts movements from him. Jeeves lives within the villa along with the rest of the family, as Desmond considers him a close mentor.

--------------------------} HUMAN APPEARANCE {--------------------------
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Hair Color: Brown-Reddish

Eye Color: Deep Hazel-Green

Height: 5'9"

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-Desmond appears at first to be a very simple man. He wears thick brimmed glasses and neatly spiked brown hair. It is common to find him wearing the color white, or an off-white, and he always seems submerged in deep thought. He will normally purchase very expensive things to wear, namely jewelry, due to the fact that any gem reflects light in various patterns, which intrigue him greatly. When preparing for battle, he wears a basic white armored plating body-suit that protects him from damage. On it is a mantle that covers only the top of his torso, which hangs loosely from the only silver cord that holds it together. What is most noticeable is the white glove with green intricate markings Desmond wears in the midst of battle.

--------------------------} ELEMENT {-------------------------

Element: Light

Elemental Abilities:
-He can manipulate and bend light so that it renders himself invisible or creates light-based (non-physical) duplicates of his body
-He can solidify Light in the form of plasma and wield it in any form he desires (It is usually a green color)
-He can create light in areas of darkness, a bright beam of true beauty
-A minor ability of Desmond's, He can leave behind trails of light, which helps to prevent him from getting lost.

-At this point, Desmond begins to emit massive amounts of plasma-like energy, his body can be seen flickering for moments as one wing of green plasma erupts from his right shoulder, forming a perfect sharp wing of flowing energy.

Release Abilities:
- He can now fly at rather quick speeds, his energy is enhanced and his durability is prolonged. His attacks deal more damage and he no longer requires an actual bow to shoot his plasma in the form of arrows, since he can create a bow out of pure plasma...

--------------------------} PERSONALITY {--------------------------

Personality: Desmond is a very cheerful individual, happy, optimistic, but his words drip with sarcasm. He is not one to strike a conversation with if you cannot match his intelligence. Despite his concealed perverted nature and his playful gregariousness, he will often dismiss a pointless topic and move on to something 'worth his while'. He loves activities like reading, drawing (sketching), and solving puzzles, but will gladly go to any party and make sure he is the life of it. He is described as sunny and sarcastic, satirizing things that make little sense to him. It is rare for him to get mad, which frightens others when he loses his temper, since it is such a personality shift. He is irritable, silent, and solitary when furious, and when he is calm or concentrating, he can be found reflecting beneath a tree or beside a pond.

Personal Likes:
-White, Bright areas: It helps him to 'thrive'.
-Reading, Writing, and Sketching
-Parties or Social Gatherings
-The Color Green
-Sweet foods, Japanese Cuisine
-Expensive Clothing, Garments
-Old Fashioned, Italian Houses (I.E. The one he lives in)
-His family and friends above all else

Personal Dislikes:
-Black, Dark, gloomy areas. He fears being 'alone' the most
-Watching pointless television shows
-Obnoxious people
-The Color Blue
-Beer or any other alcoholic beverage that is not Wine
-Cheap Items
-His enemies (Obviously)

--------------------------} POWERS {--------------------------

Weapon/Medium: (Main One: The Sparrow Bow)
-Sparrow Bow: Desmond is in possession of a large, body-sized white bow in which he uses to shoot out powerful arrows of green plasma. Desmond often holsters this on his back when not in use.
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-Sword: Generated by the green plasma, Desmond generates a blade that can break, but reconstruct itself in the midst of battle. He uses this as his first resort, since it is not a very reliable weapon and it is best suited for weak opponents. It is in the shape of a katana blade and will disappear when he desires so.

-Dual Pistols: Desmond will always ever use these as a last resort since they require no use of energy and they fire normal bullets made out of special materials meant for killing those connected somewhat to the spiritual world, though it can cause harm to a mortal. He will rarely bring these out since bullets for these guns are rare and expensive.
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Weapon Abilities:
-Sparrow Bow: Is capable of firing rapid amounts of green plasma per minute, in a concentrated or spread stream, depending on how Desmond wields it. It radiates itself with green light, and its white surface reflects the green light, giving it a green appearance when activated. The arrow supply for this bow is limitless, but depends solely on the energy sustained by Desmond. It cannot be used by anyone else as it was specially designed for Desmond's flow of light energy.

Enhanced Skills:
-Insight, He has high perceptive skills
-Intellectual abilities

Years of Experience: 14 years

-Those with impaired eyesight as well
-Light, Sunny areas
-Reflective areas
-The Color White

-His precision is thrown off when his glasses are removed
-Brute Strength
-Dull Colored Surfaces
-The Color Black

--------------------------} EXTRA {--------------------------

Favorite Color: Green and all varying shades involved with it.