Welcome to the Guardian Core!

So you want to become apart of Elatania's finest? You must work hard and get stronger to rank here. We are here solely to protect our Region and the Pokemon inhabiting it. Tell us about your history and past experiences and we may accept you into our ranks.

[b]Favorite type:[/b]
[b]Experience with pokemon:[/b]
[b]Resume:[/b](Past work, were you a gym leader etc.)

This is our ranking system.

1.Trainee -0 EXP-N/A
2.Greenhorn -100 EXP-Any one berry (We have them all)
3.Initiate -300 EXP-Magmarizer/Electrizer/Dusk Cloth
4.Corporal- 600 EXP-Any starter
5.Sergent- 1200 EXP- PP UP
6.Second LT. - 2500 EXP- Heart scale
7.First LT. - 6000 EXP- PP MAX (Rare) & Masterball
8.Major- 15000 EXP- 3 Ditto's any nature
9.Colonel - 20000 EXP- All 7 power items
10.Admiral - 100,000 EXP- MAX IV Ditto (Modest)
11.Commander- 400,000 EXP- (Secret)
12.(To be continued)