Hello everyone im starting a new story and i want to ask who everyone wants to be. If you want to be in it. Just look at the character list and choose one. This isnt an r/p so im sorry. only i will be posting in this after i choose the characters.
ok onceagain just have fun and don't overboard kay
the ones with a * are takin
*Demeter- Is the Astral Spirit of the Virgo.She is very rivalous with Anteras. She is sensitive and delicate. She also nags a lot. she is a worrywart in which she overreacts and always made a lot of impossible imagination of the future. she usually holds the Crystal of Truth in her hands.

*Antares- Is the Astral Spirit of the Scorpio. she is very rivoulus with Demeter. She is a vengeful person but also very calm and cool. she usually holds the Crystal of Truth is on a rod she carries.

Regulus- Is the Astral Spirit of the Leo. He also open with his opinions and will comply with wishes if their nice . he gets frustrated easily after he was not able to get a card. he usually sits on the Crystal of Truth while it is floating

Parn- Is the Astral Spirit of the Capricorn. He is a bit of a know-it-all and seems to look formal, but is really sweet. He sticks to the rules, is really polite, but a bit of a push-over.He wears his Crystal of Truth around his waist, on his belt.

Astrea- Is the Astral Spirit of Libra. She is very laid back, very self-conscious, and is kind and treats everyone equally. She is also elegant, attractive, and a smart individual with a great aesthetic sense. She carries her Crystal of Truth on the staff she rides on.

Castor and Pollux- Are the Astral Spirits of Gemini. They are cheerful, talkative, and romantic. They are very friendly and easily make new friends. They tend to get bored easily and give up on relationships quickly. They keep their Crystal of Truth around a chain on both of their necks.

Chiron- Is the Astral Spirit of Sagittarius. Chiron is impatient, liberal and tries to strive towards its ideals. Chiron is cheerful, optimistic, and very outgoing. Chiron seems to have a rivalry with Io. Chiron keeps it's Crystal of Truth on the staff, in which one end of the side that resembles the end of an arrow it carries around.

Io- Is the Astral Spirit of Taurus. She is a gentle soul who is very affectionate. She perseveres on her efforts and keeps herself on track. Her ultimate goal is to have a family which gives her comfort and peace. She keeps her Crystal of Truth on the hakama of her kimono.

*Aries- Is the Astral Spirit of Aries. She is scatter-brained, and loves to try new things. She is very stubborn and always gives her best at everything she does. She usually stands up for Aphrodite. She keeps the Crystal of Truth on the staff she carries around.

Aphrodite- Is the Astral Spirit of Pisces. She is romantic, sensitive, and pure-hearted. She is seems shy, but actually is willing to sacrifice herself for others. She has a crush on Ganymede. She keeps her Crystal of Truth on the front of her dress.

Ganymede- Is the Astral Spirit of Aquarius. Though he looks unapproachable and serious, he is actually very unpredictable. He is free-spirited, and independent but he doesn't like too much affection from others. Aphrodite has a crush on him. His Crystal of Truth is not usually visible, but its on the staff he carries around.

Praesepe- Is the Astral Spirit of Cancer. She is very kind, obedient, and is always concerned for others. She's also very good at paying attention to detail and taking care of other people. She always keeps her Crystal of Truth in a gold ring at hand.