I am just going to make a review for a game. I don't really know why but I feel like it.

Any other info on this game may be found here.

Hell rising is a bbmmorpg, or what you would call a browser based MMO. You don't need to download anything and the game is free to play, which normally is not a good thing in my opinion due to the fact that most free games are made rather sloppily or lazily, but tis one is in fact rather well done.

The game is a horror survival, and its PVP based. It took a lot of inspiration from a game called urban dead. The point of both of these games really are that you play one of three races ( Well only in hellrsing's case) which are humans, vampires or zombies who have to fight to survive in a quarantined city. All the races are rather fleshed out with different unique abilities. ( Humans have skills that are more geared for survival or helping one another), vampires have abilities that help them hunt enemies, zombies work good in packs and also have some very stealthy and infection based skills. All in all the different types of gameplay each give you are rather enjoyable, with 64 different skills to by, about 20 each race.

The group system in the game is fun as well, mostly because it works sort of like a guild, and you can talk to everyone in your group at the same time, as long as you have a walkie talkie. This helps you coordinate attacks and or defense, or even random chatter between friends.

The map has unique features and at quite a few different items ranging from clothing to weaponry ranging, to useful items such as healing items and such amounting to there being at least 200 to 300 items. Buildings have a power system from a power plant that the humans can turn on or the vampires can turn off, adding strategy. Electricity can help you find stuff, whereas vampires can hide in the dark, so the power being on/off is very helpful to both races.

Now to the bad points of the game, Its not a very graphical game. In fact its mostly text related. So do not expect to actually see your character running about in a 3d model, everything is done through clicking on the map with your mouth to move. So if graphics make a game for you, then I would not suggest this game to you.

The other downside is the AP system. It took a lot of inspiration from Urban Dead, which had a Action Point sytem which limits how many moves one can do per certain time. It did improve on it, though t would be preferable if there was no AP. In urban dead, it takes a very long time to get full ap again. In Hellrising, depending what you play, it can take 40 minutes to an hour to get your full action points, as it replenishes itself at 5 action points per 5 minutes. It not the worst game mechanic, just slightly annoying,

All in all I would give this game a 7/10 or maybe at most an 8. Its fun to play, especially if you either got time to waste, or if you want to play all the time.