Name: Kilik Gryffinshire
-height: 6' 5"
-age: Unknown
-Race: Shapeshifter
-Powers/Abilities: can understand any animal, can heal himself and others,
has visions but if he tells anyone about what he saw, it actually happens. and shapeshifting into animals.
-Weapons: staff, feet, fists, knees, elbows, sword.
-Story: woke up and found himself not in his time nor in the same place. After a couple of years of wondering, he decided to try to help those that were lost and couldn`t exactly understand why they had the powers they had. This is how he got here. He wishes to go back, feeling that he doesn`t really belong here, but knowing somewhere deep in his heart he`ll never be able to go back.
-Traits/personality: his emotions are extremely hard to read if you don`t know him well, but once you get to know him, you see that he usually is looking at the skyline with a hopeless expression until talked to.
-Likes: helping people, fighting for a reason, quiet places, animals, dancing, karate, tae kwon do, jujitsu, changing into a snow leopard, white tiger, black panther, golden falcon or a dragon mostly.
Hates: being reminded of his past and his homeland, noisy people, mean people, a fight with no reason, abusers, guns.
(for some reason, looks pretty young as well.)
Fears: being outcasted again, not belonging anywhere

(this is what his face looks like and how he looks out of armor)
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(in armor)
User Image