The Story:
It is said that there is a world our spirits transcend to in sleep and can return to our bodies upon awakening. People remember it as a realistic dream but they only are grasping the slightest bit of it. The Entherial world is so much more. It has different time periods and it's a place where humans furries and other types of beings co-exist together. Though the populous is manly furries and otherwise. The, Shadow Demons, though are the dark spawn that hate all Entherial beings. Though it's said the lord of all the Shadow Demons was sealed away by 12 brave warriors that posses the 12 elements. Fragments of their power are scattered in everything that exists in the Entherial world. It is said the 12 warriors will be re-incarnated in 12 beings gifted with the powers of old. Their Core element will determine what warrior that are. Any other side elements are gained at birth.

It is peaceful in the world of the Entherial. The people that live there are doing what they do best and the furries and other beings are in their grounds. It isn't till some shadow demons attack that the suspision of the rise of the Dark Lord came to thought. The ones that could fight fought back against the attacks. They hope though that the 12 warriors will return. They are not far from right. The warriors are coming back, but in different bodies that need to evolve with their hidden potential.

The Entherial Time Frames:
Past: Mid-Evil Period
Present: Modern Period
Future: Technological Period

Entherial Races:
Human: The standard race. Typically don't fight and very few are warriors. They typically work in businesses.
Furries: One of the most common warrior races. They typically posses elemental powers and consist of most of the Entherial populous.
Vampires: The 2nd most common warrior race. They use darkness, ice, and hellfire spells. They are commonly known for sucking blood, which enables them to use Blood magic.
Elves: The 3rd most common warrior. They have a mastery in archery and can apply fire, ice, explosive and poison spells to their arrows.
Hybrid: This is a less common race and they are a hybrid of different creatures. They can fight but mainly depend on their elemental powers and magic.
Aquarius: They are seen rarely on land and they live in their home, water. They use mainly poison, ice, and water magic.

Here is the outline:
Your Username:
Species:[If you are furry or other race that isn't human]
Core Element: [One of the 12 Warrior's elements]
Other Elements:
Fighting Style:
Bio:[Character Back story and other info]

PM me your characters and we can get going on the RP.