A Brief Explanation

A Theme roleplay is one that is designed to get all of the Guild members involved with it. It has an actual evolving plotline, and Tends to take a while to fully complete. Occasionally, It takes up multiple Threads to encompass all the areas where people might be located.

The Current Plotline

Chapter 1: Return to The Ship
The message has been sent. Using highly advanced magic that took all of the Leader's of Destiny Ship to create so long ago, the crew of this Ship has been magically notified; It Is Time to Return. All have been Notified. Some will choose to ignore it, others will strive to it's call, and return to the Destination that was specified to Them.

Messages have also been posted in towns, big and small, calling people to adventure in the employment of the Destiny Mercenaries. Posters advertising for a life of gain, hoping to attract new warriors and sailors to the Ship.

The Message had been Sent... Do you answer?