I am your crew member, Lynn, AKA Lynn chan teh Cupcake Woman. Please read these rules before posting.

1. Follow the gaia TOS.
2. Be nice, everybody has a right to their opinion.
3. Swearing is highly accepted (mostly cause I do it all the time xP) But no swearing at people. Examples:
GOD DAMNIT, MY ******** T.V. BROKE! DAMNIT, DAMN YOU TO HELL T.V!!!!!!!!! - acceptable
GOD DAMNIT FRED, WHY DON'T YOU JUST GO SHUT THE ******** UP! GO ******** YOURSELF!!!!!! -not acceptable

4. Nothing over PG-13. No cybering, porn, etc.
5. Please, no txt talk. w3 d0n t41k lik dIs.
And don't edit your text to much.
Acceptable, but nothing smaller than this:
Rawr I am a fishy!

Not acceptable, too small and the bright color just makes it harder to read. : Rawr I am a fishy!
6. No racism, bias, or anything of the sort, no making fun of people or shouting insults at them just because they are a ceartain race or religion, or because of a belief.
The occasional crude joke is okay, but if anybody is getting offended, simply stop. If you are getting offended, speak up.

7. Trolls, flamers, and the like are NOT permitted in Castle de Insanity.
8. I will edit and/or add rules as necessary.
That's all for now!

When breaking the rules:
-First offense, you will be given a warning.
-Second offense, your case will be tried in the Mod Disco. If the mods rule it, you will be given another chance. If not, well, then, bye-bye!
-Third offense: If you didn't get banned after your second offense, you will be banned, after the third offense. No questions asked. No trial. Zip, nada. Yooooooouuuuu're OUT!

Yes, you may randomnly post in the main forum, however, remember, we have subforums, so you run the risk of getting yelled at for putting a topic in the wrong forum. (not really yelled at, but notified that your topic is getting moved.)