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Tags: kate, beautiful, voice, sing, awsome 

Reply katethegreat19's personal fan club!!!!!!
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 9:19 pm
i talked to kate...... shes been really busy with her music lately that shes only had a few minutes on gaia per week..... silly girl has so much to do lol she said she'll try to visit when she get a chance.... hope your all having fun  
PostPosted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 10:25 pm
how does a donation help the guild?  



Lavish Spirit

PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 4:27 am
Sure ^^ but donate where? is it to the guild?  
PostPosted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 8:33 am

I always find it kind of sad when cultural assimilation takes place though. .-.

And on the topic of liberty vs. security, don't you think it's funny that even under the influence of order, chaos reigns? And the majority-feel is that chaos is "bad." It's just as you said though. It's a constant struggle, people often taking it for granted, ignorantly choosing sides against one another even, sometimes in regards to unimportant issues.

I'm against the idea of globalization too. A kaleidoscope of seasons is more interesting than a stagnant pool of water, no?

Chaos is in my opinion the reason why humans still exist. Despite they all think it's "bad" they do it only because of their standarts of peacefull life full of exact planing and with a ice-cream weekend as maximal surprise in life. Since they want nothing to change ever they dislike chaos. Therefor other people with a lower standart of living or simply bored like chaos to have a forced change of things.
In history peace doesn't really exist. Little Nations fight, big nations collapse and become many little nations, and every once in a while a whole nation gets a revolution/civil war/ally which also skips theit methods in the past.
Globalization ist in my opinion neither avoidable for die humans to evolve, nor a bad thing by itself. It's like communism orpancakes. You get what you are able to make and some people will always say they don't like it.
The alternative to globalization would be isolation (see old japan). With this there would be a economic problem, a closed and controled society and with a good chance eventually a dictatorship or fascism.
And on top of that globalization leads to a boost of science, scince researchers unite and share technology and ressources, people can get to places where working conditions are better and thewealth is spreading due to economy and human rights.
At least this would be the outcome if not many took the globalization wrong as probaganda machine for their country, as new possibility to not bring working conditions of an equal standart, but an equal low standart and force everyone to be a loyal slave of the economy.
It' bad luck that the good sides of globalzation dissaperar beyond their side effects of forcing everyone in the ideal standart worker with the precission of someone from Switzerland, the working day of Japan, the salary of Laos, the working rights of Kenya and the friendly bosses of former soviet states (not to offend someone, only using the global and wrong prejudices ^^) where no one should have a family, culture or free time towork as much as possible and spend as much money as possible to help the economy which gives us soooo much of our needed status of living.
But the globalization still ets the standart of living in more equal dimensions. At long sight it just means that they are going more downwards but upwards for many other people. And since people in poor nations get more children that s a natural evolution where culture has to vanish with their people as in former history. Thats not a matter of globalization, it does only make things go faster.
So if culture of somewhere is being forgotton its only history, together with the missing will of them to keep and show their culture, birth and surviving rates and historical power / wealth of their nation. Neither a healthy economy nor a traditional gouverment with isolation methods will prevent a culture from assimilation. The only hope is in a place of the successor or a historical reference. Since we are one earth we will have eventually (if we want to survive) a global culture. Mixing up neither all cultures nor every culture in same percentage. You can see it in the effects of immigrants to culktures, in amercanisation or in the simple question to yourself if you are e.g. from the nation you want to be. Everyone does influence not only his, or his chosen culture, but also every other culture due to the effect of cascades.  


Kurow Lusen

PostPosted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 12:19 pm
True, but need I state that I am quite stubborn about everything? XD

I will refuse to acknowledge a global power as law for one reason, and a very crucial one: bringing everything together (and this applies to technology, government, and any form of organized anything) means that it becomes that much easier for one will or group of like-minded wills to control everything. I despise that idea with a vengeance, no offense to anyone if they don't agree. Sure, it may happen right under my nose anyway, but I will continue to oppose it even to my death, which would likely come very soon after that. Even now, living in the U.S. (not friggen "America," the United States; America is EVERYTHING in this western strip of land and I'm really a**l about that term referring only to NORTH Americans... who're still not even the only ones up North -.-) I do not agree with this thing called "government," whose sole purpose nowadays is to metaphorically sweep garbage around and pretend like they're actually cleaning up something. Who has authority over the individual (as an abstract), the first-person point of view, or the third? I believe that should be rhetorical. >.>

And back to this thing called "government." If you've noticed, the Free World (this ain't the first time in history this happens, I'M SURE) has not only thought it could police the world, but within it's own boundaries the arrogance with which they throw things at their own citizens is astounding, even more annoying are the conspiracies on everyone's lips, as if it were some new piece of celebrity gossip. If there's something we don't like, we declare war on it; if something drastic happened (World Trade Center, for instance), a national "way-you-should-feel-about-this" is issued; if someone glues together a piece of ionized dry crap and a silicon chip and it does practically nothing particularly useful, they do everything they can to passive-aggressively shove it down your throat in exchange for your money; if a new fashion garment or diet-anything comes off the production line, they do everything they can to make you feel ashamed about the way you look and try to instill a standard you should follow with it... and then the majority actually BUY the whatever-it-is. Even the people they elect could give less than a 24-karat piece of excrement for the public; all they do is for their own wealth and propagation, them being the ones who set the standard for everyone else. And they even go so far as to patronize the public into believing they have a say in anything, even using "God" as an excuse. Sure, it's an envious proletarian way of looking at things, but you have to admit it's true. This self-serving, Master-Slave, consumer society is a wonderful, whimsical, colorful land[fill] of bull$#17. I often wonder how it would be if I could recall living in an era controlled by a strict, intolerant regime... Using the U.S. as an example, I'm not too happy about government AT ALL.

Regardless of all that, I am constantly asserting the individual over the mass herd, even on minute levels. I'd rather live the hermit life and set my own standards than have a rigidly planned schedule cooked up for me. And to be even more exaggerated, I'd rather live in isolation (maybe with two or three people for the entertainment XD), surrounded by vegetation, self-sustained by my surroundings, having given up EVERYTHING the concrete jungle offered me for just a bit of star-gazing on the rural side, you know what I mean?

So what is a semi-nihilistic, idealistic, simplistic, and borderline "survivalistic" person to do in a selfish society?  
PostPosted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 2:12 pm
I'm probably already under surveillance by our so-called minister of lulz-killing Schäuble xD but anyways:

Our whole world runs under the system of economic dependency. War is not really an option nowaday. It' more like a financial warfare. If a country doesn't play by the rules it doesn't get oil, electronics, food ... which is the same they did in ancient times when they wouldn't bother assaulting a castle or fortress or something which could kick the ** of the attacker, driving them in the question if it is really a good idea to make a war if this means some of the own guys can die and the enemys just don't perish unseen.
I don't compare here the worth estimatet by gouverment for you depending where you are from (which means the costs for 5000 dead americans or 2 kidnapped europeans against the present value of a colleteral civilian damage in middle east ... about some hundert $ i think ). And i don't even want to compare the costs either (meat consumation, education costs ... this is all investment of the state ... from the view of the state ).
There was a time where all those wars kept those over reproducing ressource wasters (us xD) in little enough numbers. But since our different needs and our different economic-given values there comes a big problem.
We just have one big cake. Called ressources. And everything is a ressource. Lives, luck, natural ressources, ... and all of them got one thing in common. They are limitated. So we are getting more and more and keep getting older and not die of illness and war, but that also needs more ressources ... Outcome is simple. The cake pieces of everyone are getting smaller. And not that kind of colonialism smaller, where europeans just robbed the pieces of others. It just leaves that everyone of us will get less in the future. Well there can be some kind of revolution, but our good old friend technologie (this thing only those with the big cake pieces will have) has something there to keep even a big uprising down. So criminality would be the biggest stadium a revolt can have (at least thats sth. to hope, if you combine terrorism and the former soviet nuclear depots you'll get the poinbt of some hardliners, even without sharing their opinion).
So the isolation would be a good escape strategy ? Maybe. But i must say i couldn't do that. Even with some kind auf surviver group i guess i would last a couple of week at maximum ... and thats a optimistic guess. I mean those Robinson Crusoe thing just looks easy, but no technology ? Hunting with a sharp stick, medical suplie in form of a nice flower, and clothes made of ... well it depends where you would go ... maybe Alaska wouldn't be the most convinient solution for a cya to society xD.
But a gouverment is either centralised around one powerfull person where you can only hope to be a good leader, or a bunch of people, representing more people ... and good luck if you try to get decissions with them. In the EU we still fighting about which kind of potatos should be allowed to exist -.-. I guess it's a way to find a balance or to keep rotating those Mr. Powerfull (until he uses his power to stop that). The UN, former League of Nations and in Star Wars the Republic are a try to keep getting this project mankind allive and growing in a healthy way, but you see in all of them how easy it is to break them. If it is priority to national interest, unability to fullfill their demands or just a guy who thinks let's get out of there and see if we can exist without the rest of the world.
So even if some guys do their project back to nature and find some kind of tropic island (watch nuclear tests), cave in the permafrost (you might catch a cold), desert (then you should get pepsi as the project sponsor) or rain forest (with a bunch of really nice new pets) it's only a qustion of time till someone crushes the party either with law, force or the great idea to have a new radio mast in the beautiful New Eden, just in case someone will let you know something (which is probably some kind of advertisment)
So the society got all these nice tools to let you have your freedom-light-version and all stubborness you want but will still get you wherever you go and who ever you take with yourself (insert Chuck Norris against world society joke here).
So at this point we should look at the facts:
1. the gouverment should keep our standarts of living as they are or better (in fact better since stagnation is nice, but e.g. you wouldnt be glad if you get every year a playstation while others get every 5 years a playstation next)
2. with the ressources you get by going back to mother nature you'll be somewhere between ancient egypt and medieval times (where egypts/greeks/romans are in most technology superrior and i personally don't think forgetting technology is a good thing)
3. since ressources are limited, keeping a standart of living means getting more and more ressources, means getting them from somone else
4. no matter if you got one big brother gouverment or some kind of big conference things will come eventually to complex to be ruled by them. Which leads to 'outsorcing' of some political duties.
5. Fighting means wasting of ressources, but reducing people who are also wasting ressources (in gouverments eyes) by methods like starvation, war, epidemics ... which probably must be good reasoned with either good education (aka. indoctiniation in this case), charismatical probaganda (often comes with confusing speeches and generated enemys, usually minorities) or somehow direct and out of fashion guns.
Those are the facts. We may not like them but they are the reason why we can use internet and had a nice lunch. You still have some 'legal' weapons for your ideals like civil rights, boycotts, life style ... but despite of better in long-term conditions all of them are not as easy as pulling a trigger. Maybe more frustrating too. But despite the cruel trap we all are in, set by the gouverments and economics we all createt, influence and support, we can not even say they leave us no chance ... even if that chance is more like a valve for peoles hate ^^  


Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 11:36 pm
Heya guys xD
sorry I've been away this week! ^w^ Been working like crazy!

Well, here's some nice news, the stella voci song is UPLOADED on youtube and ready to go....only it's on MY channel instead of StellaVociStudios...and it's set on private.

You see, we're still waiting (three weeks now O.o) for FantasiesGhost to get the official video uploaded. She's had major computer issues and ended up sending the video file through the mail to her friend and that friend is supposed to upload it....but she still hasn't recieved it O.o;; So.....all the SV girls were champing at the bit and complaining and they came to the decision that we need to get the song up...in some form...somewhere! For all the fans that we promised a song to a month ago >w<

So I scrambled a makeshift video together in an hour, and got the thing up. But it would hurt FantasiesGhost terribly if she saw I'd done this....so until I hear back from her (I wrote her an email earlier telling her about our decision) I can't make it public!
But hopefully I'll have the thing public tomorrow and soon we can also upload the official video FantasiesGhost made (that one will be on the StellaVociStudios channel)

But since you're all in the fanclub I'm going to let you guys hear it before anyone else xD So here is an exclusive download link to listen to the song RIGHT NOW xD Enjoy!!

Stella Voci ~ Canon in D  
PostPosted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 12:03 am
I dunno if I've said this, but did I ever mention how cool you are? xd  

Kurow Lusen

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 10:42 am
O.o have you guys ever made a dream avi on tektek only to discover that when you actually make it on gaia that the layering is funky? I've made some really nice ones and bought the items for them and then found out they looked terrible when put together on Gaia >.>  
PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 10:00 pm
O.o have you guys ever made a dream avi on tektek only to discover that when you actually make it on gaia that the layering is funky? I've made some really nice ones and bought the items for them and then found out they looked terrible when put together on Gaia >.>

I'm so sorry you had to find out the hard way. ^^;

Furthermore, they should label tektek as "for entertainment purposes only." Seriously. XD I haven't been able to make a worthwhile goal because of that issue.

...Yes, I am picky. >.>  

Kurow Lusen

Kurow Lusen

PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2010 8:51 pm
*Resuscitates the thread*

Don't die on me, damn you! scream

*Pulls out the paddles...*  
PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 10:55 pm
sry have been ofline for months ^^  



Lavish Spirit

PostPosted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 6:19 pm
So anyone bought katethegreat19's CD yet?

I've been meaning to myself, though problem for me is I don't have a credit card v.v  
PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:33 am
I don't have a credit card either x_x"

If only I was 18 so I can use Paypal lol *6 months to go*

The music seems so awesome!  

keito melfina


PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 12:55 pm
i dont have one to

but we have choosen kate todas for the best voice in another webforum xD

she did even beat all german singers in best voice for a german song xD  
katethegreat19's personal fan club!!!!!!

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