((First main storyline, I have been named leader of this forum, so I am GOD >: D ))

The Land of Nobody. The sandy wasteland expanded over several miles, unruled by any tribe. It had remained this way for several hundred years, nothing ever happening. But all that would soon change...

With a rumbling, one of the larger sand dune was pushed upward, rolling down the sides of a gigantic stone colosseum. The sight was astounding, the walls pushing several hundred feet into the air. After several long minutes, the rumbling dimmed, leaving in it's wake this huge stone menace.

A few more minutes later, several large flares erupted from the inside of the colosseum, launching into the deep blue of the sky. Almost completely disappearing, the rockets exploded, turning into a 6 sided star, before dematerializing into golden glitter. The call had been sent out, now all there was to do was wait...