Chapter 13:

The battle had raged for hours. Sailor Moon was throwing all she had, and it didn't seem to be enough. Chaos kept coming back, strong and unmoved, like a rock that wouldn't break. Chaos was using his powers as well, and all that either could see was abyss and blinding light. Sailor Moon's fuku was torn and hung losely on her. She was feeling anguise, and a deep anger that needed to be unleashed.

Sailor Moon threw a heavy punch into Chaos's face. He seemed to shake it off, and threw her into the roof. "Give up Sere," He growled low in his throat, "This is the end, and you are no match for me..." The eyes of the moon senshi blazed in fury. She had faught through anguish and pain, blood tickling down her brow. "Chaos, you just don't get it." Chaos stopped his hand, two inches from her face. "This isn't the end," she choked out, spitting a little bit of blood onto the rooftop.

"It will never end here. You can kill me, but does that mean you can stop them," she said pointing to the scouts, "They will avenge me, and the light of the moon will punish you. I am only showing you a speck of my power Chaos, you haven't seen what I can do. You can't kill me." Chaos clenched a fist, and a rush of electricity encircled his rist. "Don't underestimate me Moonface..." Chaos then lunged for Sailor Moon. To his surprise she stood still, but not that it would matter. He had summoned enough power to kill her within an instant in one blow. But just as he reached, his joints had frozen. His eyes widened. "What is this!"

Sailor Moon's tiara began to shimmer in white light, along with her now repaired fuku, and locket. The locket burst, revealing something Chaos had not expected. "That's... that's not possible..." "The Silver Imperium Crystal," Sailor Moon said, shinning brightly. Chaos gasped, when suddenly Sailor Moon had transformed once more. She was no longer a sailor scout. She was adorned in a white flowing gown, with wings on her back. Feathers were flowing around her, and then Chaos could see the symbol of the crescent moon on her forehead. The symbol of the royal family.

"No, this can't be," he gasped. "I am Serenity Serenitatsis, princess of Lunaria." The crystal began to glow in her hands, and Chaos could feel a force push him back, like a wind from the glorious moon. "MOON CRYSTAL POWER!" "NOOOO!"

The Earth was shaking under the senshi. "What's going on," screamed Sailor Mars. Sailor Venus looked to find the school. Several students were running towards them. "Raye!" Sailor Mars then looked into the eyes of Alex, Sailor Uranus. "What's happening!" A burst of white light made all silent, no screams or cries could be heard. Not even Sailor Venus could be heard, when her pleas had been silent by the overwhelming powers of the moon had been serged.


Sailor Venus opened her eyes. All around her, where the remains of several dead students. "RAYE! LYTA! AMY!" "Over here." Sailor Mars helped Sailor Venus stand. Sailor Jupiter checked the pulse of one of the fallen senshi, and Sailor Mercury stood in shock. "Where's Luna," Sailor Venus asked, her voice breaking as tears began to slide down her cheeks. "I don't know... but..." Sailor Jupiter threw several pieces of gravel, "THEIR ALL DEAD! DAMNIT!" Tears had formed in the eyes of all of the scouts. "Every single one." Sailor Mercury turned to Luna, who appeared to not have slept at all. Suddenly, she began to glow. Sailor Mercury gasped and reached out for her.

Luna was once more in her feline form. "Luna! What-" "I think I may be stuck like this for a while..." "Luna," Sailor Venus asked through chokes and tears, "What happened?" Luna frowned and held her head low, "Well... Sailor Moon used the silver crystal. It was time, but I fear her fury may have been too much for the crystal. She could've destroyed the city, luckily though, it appears she just had the strength to destroy Chaos. If the students had not been here, they might've made it..." Sailor Mars looked down, "Then what do we do..." Luna looked up, "Sadly my dears, Chaos may be gone, but your battles to keep Earth safe are not over. Serena will need you, you must guide her on the battlefield. You must protect her."

Sailor Venus smiled, "Then for all the scouts, for the Moon, and for Serena. It is our duty to keep Earth safe." Sailor Venus outstretched her hand, "Are you with me girls?" Sailor Mercury smiled outstretching her hand, "For Honor." Sailor Jupiter smiled, "For Love." Sailor Mars placed her hand on top. "For Strength." Sailor Venus nodded, "For UNITY!" The scouts smiled and threw their hands up. "WE WILL FIGHT TO THE END!"

Serena awoke. She had no clothes, and layed in the middle of rubble that was once a building. Her cheeks were stained in tears. Sorrow still had filled her heart, but a sudden relief took over her. "It's over."