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PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 6:14 pm
Whether you are ice, fire, water or wind, you can always come here for a little bit more help! The Elemental master is always here to help! This is also a class for the Mer-people to learn at, since they are closely associated with the water element.

Species Instructed Here:

-Special Humans

Your instructor is: Professor Lockherald (The Ebon Blade)

PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 7:06 pm
"What a waste that I have to come teach these creatures once again..." Euan, one of the few men to of mastered all of the elements over the centuries sighed from the stress he knew he would soon face. His students were supposed to be the best, but there was always one who ruined the class, making the poor professor's life miserable. At least it's a better gig than going solo.

The classroom was set; desks of many proportions were in place for the various species soon to arrive. Plus this year, Euan's desk was flame-proof, and even steel. As said to the headmasters earlier, no hooligans would be messing with his stuff ever again. Even the bio-dome was well prepared for the stress elemental activities had on any environment. The teacher even hid away a list of engineers were things to become too hectic, which they better not.

"Well, all that's left is for the students to arrive." All Euan could do now was wait, which he did. The teacher's chair was in full recline as it's owner had his feet propped up on the desk. Oddly enough, Mr. Wyotan developed a sense of loneliness sitting there, waiting for the first bell to ring. This year he would also be missing his trusted undead partner, Oxhead. Certain complications made it so, thanks to the Demon House down the country. But things would work out eventually...hopefully.

*Ring Ring* "Oh...here goes..."

The Ebon Blade



PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 7:03 pm
_________________________aяtєmis נameѕ sуmσηds
[[ AKA :: tнe ∂eaтh kηigнt ]]

      Artemis ambled down the hallway nimbly avoiding the mass of people rushing to their various classes. His crystal blue eyes flashed, and he took a double take at what clearly wasn't a human being. Okay, so maybe people wasn't the right word. All the same, they were still rushing, pushing and bumping into the redhead as he tried to figure out where he was supposed to go. Stopping smack in the middle of the hallway, the death knight ignored all of the evil looks he was getting and pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket, smoothing it out so he could read it. "Elemental..." he muttered, shoving it back into his black jeans. He peered over the thinning crowd of people, smiling slightly when he finally caught sight of the room. His stride was strong, and the man expertly pushed his way past the rest of the students and into the room.

      The classroom wasn't exactly what he was expecting, and Artemis was too busy looking around to pay much attention to the desks that were grouped right near the door. He walked right into one, and let out a muffled curse. Oh yeah, that was really smooth. He guessed he was going to be one of the oldest students in the class, and at twenty-four, the redhead was probably old enough to be a teacher. He sighed, dropping his backpack by one of the desks and flopping into the chair. Why was he here again? It felt like a complete waste of time, now that he was here. He propped up his chin in his hand, sapphire eyes still inspecting the room, if it could be called that. Part of it looked like a giant field, and the man was intensely curious about how exactly they managed to get a large, grassy plain into a building. It seemed like something out of a fantasy novel... oh wait. That was the freakin' story of his life.

      It was at that point that Artemis noticed his professor was already in the room, and he stopped fidgiting to inspect the man who would be teaching him. He didn't look super old, but there was something in his eyes that made the redhead think the professor was much older than he looked. He sighed, ruffling his hair with his hand. Might as well start.

I ∂o iт on a ωhiм, it's r i g h t, without яeasση
Whatever |cσmєs to мiηd|, I'll p u l l it from [tнiη αiя]
I've learned to i m ρ r σ v i s є to .ƒill мy тimє.
I don't want to [ livє мy liƒe ]
ωitнoυt яeαsoη
PostPosted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 7:33 pm
User Image

»»»»»xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx{ Your Mind IS n o t your lolwlnl }
OOC;; Insert Thoughts Here

User Image Tap tap tap, said Zander's shoes as they came into contact with the floor, suspended in the air, and back down once again. Not like the clicking that the high-heels of the female teachers, however. Surely enough, there was a large number of people-, er, species gathered in the area for their first day of class. Those scurrying to reach their destination, others causing trouble, and then those simply waiting on the sidelines either for idle chit-chat, or to wait for the traffic to pass. Trying to ignore the shallow layers of thoughts that fluttered into his head, the black-haired male continued to squirm and slide through the tumult. Images of hope, annoyance, and even lust were blocked in his head; why? Trying to sort-out and interpret each incoming thought from a crowd would be impossible. Instead, he shut off his ability temporarily with only verbal noise to disturb him.

According to my schedule, Zander thought, I should be looking for a class called "Elemental". Huh. This should be interesting.

Okay, Zander was somewhat confused. He didn't know how to take control of the elements, nor was he interested. Little did he know that the class's name was a misnomer, as it taught many of the other humanoid races. A few guys glared in his direction, a quick scan revealing that they were harmless, albeit somewhat vulgar in their minds. Zander didn't have time for them, he was supposed to meet his friend Osten Law'Wei at the so-called "elemental" class.

Osten was, you could say, slightly more than just a friend. In any case, he was on Zander's mind, not some other punks who watched him as he cruised through the hallway.

A sign above the the door along with grass that protruded from under it hinted that Zander had reached his class. As he stepped inside, the atmosphere was oddly refreshing compared to the oxygen-deprived quarters of the school hallways. It was practically outdoors, except not; it was hard to believe that Zander was still inside a building. A feeling of warning was sensed coming from the teacher, and Zander understood why in about two seconds: the change in scenery had averted his attention from the desks which he had almost toppled over.

His upper body leaned over the desk, his momentum taking a second or two to stop and regain equilibrium. Backing away from the table he could have fell over, Zander turned his head to another man looking roughly his age sitting a few desks away.

Is this the ‘Elemental’ class?

The average-looking boy asked. A simple question; he tried to fill it with a friendly tone. What better way to start of your first time in a new class, than to make a new friend, right? Or so the teachers say ...

{Its Mine}____________________________________________________________«««««

Azure Verite

Man-Hungry Kitten

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 12:23 pm
_________________________aяtєmis נameѕ sуmσηds
[[ AKA :: tнe ∂eaтh kηigнt ]]

      The door opened again, and Artemis raised his head to glance in that direction. He had expected a great number of students, but clearly that was not the case. Only one man entered the room, and the death knight felt instantly comforted by the fact that he seemed to be the same age as himself. He had been genuinely worried that his age was going to set him apart from the rest of the class, but it now seemed like that wouldn't be an issue. He ruffled his scarlet hair, trying to get a feel for the other man without staring awkwardly. He didn't seem like a murdering psychopath, and that was definitely a good thing. Neither did the man give the impression of being weak. Also a good thing.

      He smiled slightly when the new arrival nearly tripped over the desks, just as he had. Artemis didn't mean it as if he was making fun of the other; he just thought it was interesting that they had similar reactions to the room. It was very interesting, indeed.

      While Artemis slightly dreaded the idea of having to start a conversation, he was spared when the other man began to speak. He sounded friendly enough, and the redhead decided there wasn't anything to lose by being friendly. He didn't want to make any enemies... at least, not yet.

      "Yes, I do believe so," he answered politely, trying to smile. He ended up yawning, and afterwards worried that he had given the impression that the other man was boring. He shrugged sheepishly. "It's not you... I'm just a bit tired. That's all." An interesting thought occured to him then: the other man was, in all likelyhood, human. He held out his hand, eager to get to know the other student. "Artemis Symonds, death knight." He didn't want to give any more information than that at the moment. He was glad he had enough skills with his abilities to avoid draining the man with something as simple as a handshake. It wouldn't be very polite, would it?

I ∂o iт on a ωhiм, it's r i g h t, without яeasση
Whatever |cσmєs to мiηd|, I'll p u l l it from [tнiη αiя]
I've learned to i m ρ r σ v i s є to .ƒill мy тimє.
I don't want to [ livє мy liƒe ]
ωitнoυt яeαsoη

[[ooc;;I LOVE your posting style! <3]
PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 2:41 pm
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»»»»»xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx{ Your Mind IS n o t your lolwlnl }
OOC;; Thank-you! I like how you designed the bottom of your post. Must've taken forever! O:

User Image Before the red-head had answered, Zander had noticed a feeling of relief coming from him. Yes ... 'notice' could be an appropriate word. It was a lesser form of mind-reading that he was never able to turn off: instead of revealing their thoughts, it more or less displayed their strongest emotions to him. Relief, eh? Heh-heh, this guy might be friendly. That emotion was quickly replaced with amusement, then curiosity. They might just become fast friends after all. Never as much as Osten, though. Where could he be? That idea made him smile.

The man sitting in his desk answered politely, which was a good sign for Zander. Being polite was a sign that you were calm, composed; signs of intellect or refinement. Now, Zander was more of the energized type, but it wouldn't be fit for him not to respond with formalities. After all, the fire-haired male even introduced himself as Artemis Symonds.

It is, hm? Good. I didn't get lost. The name's Zander Krae-Lione.

Moving closer, he clasped Artemis's hand with his own, maintaining his friendly grin. For the moment at least, the bell hadn't rung for class to start; so Zander continued to pay little attention to the teacher, and more to the death knight in front of him. “ Shadow Priest, nice to meet'cha. ” As their hands touched, Zander refrained from reading into other's mind. An intrusion such as that would be rude, and dangerous no doubt.

Taking a seat next to him, Zander unbuttoned his overcoat and rested it in the back of his chair. The weather in the classroom was enough to keep one warm, and he was more comfortable in his sleeve-less hoodie and cargo pants anyway. The black-haired boy took another glance around the room, then focused his attention on Artemis.

Class seems a little ... empty, don't'cha think? My friend should be here soon; 'dunno where he is.

Where was Osten, anyway? Lost? Nah, they both had a good sense of direction, seeing as how they traversed the Americas, the Atlantic, and then Europe. Sleeping in? That's possible. Terrorizing others? Hah! That's also a likely possibility. Osten liked to scare people; whether it was little kids or grannies. It was amusing, actually, despite the cruel behavior it suggests.

{Its Mine}____________________________________________________________«««««

Azure Verite

Man-Hungry Kitten

6,200 Points
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 9:17 pm
_________________________aяtєmis נameѕ sуmσηds
[[ AKA :: tнe ∂eaтh kηigнt ]]

Artemis found his gaze casually wandering to the teacher again. Why hadn't he started class? The man puzzled with that for a moment before realizing the second bell hadn't yet rung. Ah, made sense then. But still... The death knight's blue eyes moved back towards the other student. Why hadn't the teacher introduced himself, or said anything? It was borderline creepy behaviour, and Artemis quickly mapped his escape route back through the door. He was paranoid like that, and found himself self-counsciously rubbing the inside of his wrist in a comforting way. Well that's just great. Five minutes in class, and I'm already losing it. The man moved to bury his head in his arms, and then remembered abruptly he was in the middle of a conversation.

"Ah, it's nice to meet you, Zander," he said carefully, trying to shake off his discomfort. He realized he probably looked like a total nutcase to Zander now. He wondered idly what the powers of a Shadow Priest were. He had only come across limited information about shadow priests in his independent studies, and he had to admit that the other man peaked his interested. Randomly spouting off questions wasn't the way to go, so Artemis decided he would just wait it out. They were classmates after all. You couldn't be in the same class as someone and not learn things about them.

Zander was speaking again. "Hmmm... Maybe there will be more students in a bit. It's still early in the day. Maybe they got lost?" That wouldn't be too hard to do. The school was a big place, and finding a certain room could take hours, the redhead presumed. He slumped a bit when he heard that Zander already had a friend. If he already has a friend, he'd probably just stick with him. That's what any normal person would do. It was hard to see if Zander was 'normal', persay, within a couple of minutes knowing him. Now, all Artemis really wanted was for class to start. Something to do... He yawned again. And something to keep him awake.

I ∂o iт on a ωhiм, it's r i g h t, without яeasση
Whatever |cσmєs to мiηd|, I'll p u l l it from [tнiη αiя]
I've learned to i m ρ r σ v i s є to .ƒill мy тimє.
I don't want to [ livє мy liƒe ]
ωitнoυt яeαsoη

[[ooc;; It didn't take too long. I like doing things like that. =D
And I'm sorry my post length is sucking. School is killing my brain.]]
PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 4:47 pm
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»»»»»xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx{ Your Mind IS n o t your lolwlnl }
OOC;; It turned out nicely. Hehe, don't worry. They're just fine.

User Image Zander followed Artemis's eyes as they moved from him towards the teacher at the front of the classroom. Zander wasn't that interesting, that much I have to admit. But he didn't consider himself to be on the level of boring that made people want to fall asleep. Apparently Artemis had forgotten of his presence and began to make himself comfortable on his desk. Quickly, he had realized his error, and returned Zander's introduction.

Um, yeah. Tired?

Amused, the dark-haired male chuckled and noticed an air of curiosity emerging from Artemis. Instead of pursuing this opportunity for discussion, Zander patted his hair and glanced forward towards the nonchalant teacher. No response. Not that there was a need for one, but it would be splendid if the teacher was a friendly and outgoing person as Zander was. At least, I think so. In his seat, Zander observed the desk that he currently occupied. It seemed to be relatively new; it was clean and free of scars from pencils or other habits of malicious students. Interesting. The desks didn't even have any gummy-type food products sticking under them! Zander liked a clean environment; it was easier to work in and simply relax.

The yawning crimson-haired XY being inputted his thoughts on the lack of students in the facility. True, the buildings were difficult to maneuver through, and the directions didn't help much when the crowds of people forced you into some random direction. But Zander managed to get here in one peice(thankfully). So why couldn't the others? Perhaps it was that Zander liked to get to class as soon as the bell rang. This time however, he seemed to be too early.

So, Artemis ... what do you think the teacher has in mind for us? I mean, the dude's just standin' there.

That in itself was kinda creepy. Mysterious and intriguing, yes, but in a quiet-but-deadly manner. The wait was making Zander a tad nervous, but he concealed this in more friendly chit-chat.

I hope nothing too strenuous. It's the first day, after all. Whaddya' think? ” Zander smiled at every possible opportunity, which probably made him look a little to happy to be normal. But that's just him; you get used to it once you hang out with him more.

{Its Mine}____________________________________________________________«««««

Azure Verite

Man-Hungry Kitten

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 11:23 am
_________________________aяtєmis נameѕ sуmσηds
[[ AKA :: tнe ∂eaтh kηigнt ]]

Artemis could tell thathis yawning could use an explanation, and he rushed to try and fix the slightly rocky start. "Yeah... Didn't sleep too well last night. Different bed and all." Alright, so it was a bit of a lie. He didn't sleep well any night, regardless of where he was. The man couldn't figure out why... it was a question he had often asked himself. He wasn't really nervous, worried, or anxious. He just couldn't sleep. He hadn't yet tried sleeping pills or anything, but what he wanted was powerful enough to warrent a prescription, and the redhead was too lazy for that. He'd just deal with it like he always had.

The man watched curiously as Zander looked around the room, at the teacher, at his desk. Artemis wasn't too interested by where he was sitting; he had the feeling that they would be using some of the open space today. At least he hoped so. The man made a bit of a face. Maybe we'll be stuck writing notes all day... talk about boring.

Zander mentioned the teacher, and on impulse Artemis looked at the man who would be teaching them. He still wasn't doing anything. "Well... He'll probably want to get to know us. Introductions, and then maybe an explanation of our powers," he reasoned. That made the most sense. Assess the class, then go from there. Artemis kept throwing side glances at the professor, wanting him to do something, anything, so he wouldn't be just standing there. It made the redhead worry about the class in general. Zander voiced his concerns about that as well, and Artemis was glad he wasn't alone in his creeped-out feelings.

Artemis saw Zander's smile, and smiled slightly himself in return. The man was easy to be around, and it was helping the death knight to avoid thinking about the creeper of a teacher at the front of the room. "Maybe there will be some mock battles of some kind? Battle training?" He stretched his arms. Fighting was something he was rather good at, and he wanted to make a good impression on the first day of class.

He felt the need to keep talking. "So, where are you from?" he inquired.

I ∂o iт on a ωhiм, it's r i g h t, without яeasση
Whatever |cσmєs to мiηd|, I'll p u l l it from [tнiη αiя]
I've learned to i m ρ r σ v i s є to .ƒill мy тimє.
I don't want to [ livє мy liƒe ]
ωitнoυt яeαsoη

[[ooc;; Haha. For some reason my posts look a lot smaller on my dad's computer, so I always feel bad.]]
PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 12:18 pm
[[Dang yo.]]

User Image

“ Y e a hxxxIxxxa mxxxaxxxs u m m o n e r .xxxG o txxxaxxxp r o b l e mxxxwi t hxxxt h a t ? ”


Again Osten? You're late AGAIN?! Oh well, my funeral.

The young sir Osten was somewhat madly rushing through the halls to find the class he had just been transferred to. Originally he was supposed to be in the "special" class but then he'd be too far away from Zander, and that was just impossible. So, as unexpected, the secretary at the main office took forever changing the class roster. Thus Osten was late for his first day of school.

Which one? Which one? Alchemy......biology......necrophilia.....ah! Elements!"
The young looking (for his age) student bust through the wooden door and nearly tripped on a desk. He had only saved himself by gripping hold of the bigger desk in the front. They really shouldn't make school floors so slippery!

" Oh hey Zander. Who's your friend? " Not bothering to apologize for lurching onto the teacher's desk or being late, Osten had already made his way to his best friend and sat down next to him, even scooching over a bit. He didn't really care who the other guy was, he wasn't appealing at all. Not even Osten's dead friends would want to eat his brains, maybe not even the necrophiliacs next door.


[ME] and what army?
Sit tight for {A} few seconds, and I'll show you, what army.
Two's a couple and three's a crowd,
BUT even millions ain't enough for [ME].”

The Ebon Blade


The Ebon Blade


PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 12:33 pm
Truth be told, Euan had actually fallen asleep while waiting for more students to arrive. He had acquired the ability to sleep with his eyes open though so it seemed like he was just a crazy watchful teacher. He was startled awake though when the third student bumped into his desk and even lurched it forward a few inches.Crazy kids...

Instead of waiting for more students to arrive, Euan thought it was necessary to start, even with just three. So as he had planned, he got up with his stack of papers and passed three of the blanks sheets to each of them. He was even generous enough to hand out pens too, not wanting to waste time waiting for them to search for a writing utensil in their pockets or bags or whatever they carried with them.

Once he was satisfied with their working conditions, (he had even re-arranged all of the desks so it was just the three in the middle of the classroom area), he reached into his pocket and pulled out a steel-chain. The artificial light made its lustrous properties shine but other than that, it wasn't much to look at. Euan then walked back to the front of the classroom, hung the chain up on the board and took a seat.

"First assignment. No questions. Ten minutes. Start."
PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 5:09 pm
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»»»»»xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx{ Your Mind IS n o t your lolwlnl }
OOC;; o.o"

User Image Different bed? 'Takes a little while to break in a new one eh? ” Zander smiled, taking what seems to have been the fiftieth glace at the teacher up front. The mysteriously creepy man who's glazed eyes stared mindlessly ahead. Not unlike that of a seer, or one looking into the future. No, if that were the case, the man would give off a different kind of wave. Much different. Back to Artemis. It's rude to ignore.He'd want us to explain our powers? That'd be interesting, I bet.

Artemis voiced his thoughts, and suggested perhaps that the class would participate in a physical combat exercise. Something Zander didn't mind, but he was more of a mental fighter, than a hand-to-hand type. Somewhat like a magic, only without the magic.

Let's see. Well, I was born in-

Before the dark-haired male could finish, a friendly and familiar face bursted in the room. Rather, bursted into the room and onto the teacher's desk. Instantly a genuine grin appeared on Zander's face, followed by a hearty laugh and applause. When Osten regained his composure and chose a seat next to Zander, the latter turned towards him and reached out a fist for a friendly fist-bump. “ Dude, you're late. Where've you been, man?

Having Osten in the room made it much easier for Zander to relax. I mean, who wouldn't after their best 'mate created a scene in front of the class? Well, there was only three witnesses, but still. Nodding his head over to Artemis, Zander smiled. “ This 'ere's Artemis. I've only known him a few minutes, but he seems like a chill guy.

With that last word, the teacher finally made a movement. The man began to pass out papers to each of the three boys, including pens. How nice of him, Zander thought. After that, he moved the desks around so that the three were in the center, isolated like a small trio of islands in the vast space of the classroom. Zander squinted his eyes a bit; the light reflecting off of the chain irritating them. The teacher spoke. First assignment? Zander curled a brow. Out of instinct from his previous, human schools, the amateur mind-reader scribbled his name onto the piece of paper.

{Its Mine}____________________________________________________________«««««

Azure Verite

Man-Hungry Kitten

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