Well, it's very easy to create a character in this world. Soon I'll be making a subforum where you can show them off before you start roleplaying too!

I would like it if people had no more then two characters, one would be easier because you are only one person and this is my worldXD

Ok, lets get things started.. What to think about when creating a profile?

Names: Names are good, your character can have a first name, a last name a middle name, a nickanme, whatever you want! You can use names from animes, use names that are of your best friends, or make up names, or do what I do, use japanese translators and use pretty wordsXD

Ages: Now then, onto ages.. If you want your character to have a boyfriend, thats fine.. But whats not fine is having a 10 year old looking for a 20 year old. Not on. If you want your character to be dating a 20 year old, have then no older then 17 turning 18. We want really close to legal... (here in Australia it is.. so it works here too). We don't want creepy things going on, we wanna enter roleplays and sit there in awe the whole time or fangirl/fanboy screaming, not 'ewwing' and reporting people.

Genders/preff: You can be male or female in this roleplay. You don't have to be a male that's gay, nor a female thats gay, you can also be straight. I don't mind. Just as long as there's no gay bashing, I'm fine with it!

Relationships: Don't say your character is in a relationship unless they really are in a relationship with another character. Say so if your character is single, and if they are looking or not. They might just have other sexy people that want to snatch your character up and take them away to a faraway castle. Hey, it could happen!

Race: Now this is what I've been waitting for, races are the best feature of my world. You can be a human, drow, elf, naga, merperson, neko, usagi, inu, kitsune, panda-thing.. Anything you can think of. Just not over the top, anthros are ok, but not too anthroy.. Think neko.

Pictures: Pictures are good, pictures are great! It's always great to have a picture of your character. Then people know what they are day dreaming about! If you can get a picture, then GREAT

Uhh... I'm having trouble thinking of anything else..

They are the basics.. I don't know what to really tell you about character pasts and things, that'll be something for you to think up and have if you want it.

Ok, as for where to put all this info so people know it's your character, put it in your journal on gaia. Then when you post, have the link at the very bottom of your post saying 'character profile' and change it everytime you change your character. That way people who have been roleplaying with you and those who are just joining in, know who you are playing.