Any non-idiotic creature can wonder though our corridors. Though be weary of all the basic forum rules and guidelines.

We will not tolerate spamming... At all.
Be not stupid and ye be not impaled through the gut...

No Cybering!
Cybering, or other forms of sexual situations, are not allowed on Gaia as this is a PG-13 site. If you promote or encourage people to cyber either in the forums or by PM then you run the risk of loosing your rights and receiving at least a warning.
It should also be noted that posting nude images or images that are particularly vulgar or gory are also not allowed.

No Abusive Comments
This includes abusive comments to other users, flaming, trolling, harassment and stalking. You are allowed to swear on Gaia, but you are not allowed to insult other users, or go into their guild without permission and start trouble. If you are found doing this you will be punished.

No spam
Spam can be many things, it can be simply an unwanted bump, intrusive comment, causing the page to scroll sideways, excessively long "bumps for gold" or gibberish; these are but a few examples. Either way, none of these are welcome in the forum, if you wish to spam then please do so in the Chatterbox.

No advertising
This is mostly directed towards those that own a GGN, but it can be applied to anyone that is advertising for a guild or other thread. Advertising in the Guild forum is not allowed, you may not create a new thread with the intention of advertising. If you wish to advertise to it within your own guild if it is allowed by the guild creator.
Please note that this also includes recruitment and "looking for a guild" threads, those will receive warnings as well as be removed.