<center>User Image</center>

<center>The Tower of Elements:</center>

For one hundred years the land of Gaia had been wracked by war. Forces, hundreds of thousands strong, have clashed sword-to-sword and chant-to-chant on battlefields of scorched earth and shattered homes. This was not a war of nation against nation or man vs. beast, but of life against death and freedom vs. destruction. It had been known as the Necromancer war.

Now, fifteen years after the last bloodied soldier laid their sword to the earth and looked skyward with the glow of victory in their eyes, Gaia has begun the slow and painful process of collecting it's lost and rebuilding. At its helm is a collection of the most powerful archmagi still in existence, accumulated in a vast and powerful magical Mecca known only as the Tower of Elements. It is their mission to train the new, the young and the eager in the ways of sorcery so that, should one day the threat of evil loom over the land of Gaia once more, they will be ready. This is their story


All members of this RP have some kind of power that their magic is based around. This is known as your element. You are not just limited to elements like wind, water, and fire; but may use exotic ones like storm, moon, love, time, nature, and pretty much anything that you can think of a name for. Originality is encouraged, however, many people can and do share the same element, so don't worry about yours being taken.

When you send a request to join, please include your element, whether you want to be an an apprentice (with 5 level 2 spells) or a disciple (with 10 level 2 spells and a level 3 one.) [spell info at the bottom.], and a brief RP sample. You don't have to be a great RPer, just a literate one.

1. Do not use * *s or :: ::s in your sample.
2. It must be at least 4 sentences.
3. Please use proper spelling and write in third person.

After joining, you will need to create a list of common spells appropiate for your rank to post in the bio thread along with your character's profile, which I will look over and notify you of any problems.

<center>Please PM Luna Almagest after you send a request for the quickest response.</center>

<center>Spell & Magic System</center>

Spells and magical powers in general work on a scale of 1 to 4 (Level 4 applying to archmagi(guild officials) only). These are very general measurements, but are accurate enough to cover a wide spectrum of different spells and effects.

Level 1- These spells are basically of utilitarian use. They can generally do things the mage could do themselves if normally healthy. Deliver messages, control small objects, and they can annoy/distract a single target. Every playable rank of mage already has enough of these spells for them to be considered not worth recording. (Basically any number of minor effects can be done without specificing them in your bio. These can't really do much to anyone though, so no significant healing, injury, or defense.)

Level 2- These spells cover the basic uses of magic. For any comparative purposes, they are five times more powerful than a level 1 spell. Such spells allow an attack, defense, movement (such as flight or teleportation), or influence of a single target, transformation of a limb or similar sized area, influencing the environment weakly, and annoying/distracting up to 5 targets.

Level 3- The more advanced spells, these perform many of the well-known and mysterious spells that most technologies cannot compare to. For any comparative purposes, they are five times as powerful as level 2 spells and 25 times more than level 1 spells. Such spells consist of complete transformation, control, major attack, major defense, or a life/death effect on a single target, group movement, influence, attack or defense of up to five people, annoy/distract a crowd, and influence the environment strongly.

For the spells' purposes, a target is commonly a single person of roughly human size. If the spell is affecting a non-person in general, it affects a mass or volume roughly equal to the size of a human. A crowd is a normal sized group of people, it does not cover entire armies, but it does cover any general gathering of people of reasonable size.

Note that:
*Spells can be specific or general. (Firing an arrow of wind vs being able to transform a limb into anything one can imagine.)

*The listed spells are just the ones you do most. You are able and allowed to do other things than the ones you list, just not as commonly, and preferably not as easily. They must stay within your elemental and rank abilities. (This is generally meant to include spells related to any field of learning your character may specialize in, as well as things like curses or enchantments, and one use situational (plotline) spells.)

*You cannot use spells outside your elemental abilities, but you can make an element that will cover all the powers you want. (2 elements are allowed, for those that have trouble combining ideas and coming up with a unified name.)

*Your spell limit will go up with rank. (Info on rank can be found inside.) There's a general rule that your allowed number of spells = the amount of spells of that type you can cast before needing to rest for a while.
**Although this rule is not enforced all that strictly, as the major thing seperating magi in power is the amount of spells they can cast in a short time, rather than the power of the spells themselves, please try to follow this rule.

*Although spells of a particular level are assumed to be the same power, the way they work should also be taken into account. (a defense can block a same level attack, but a shield in one direction blocking an attack from 4 directions wouldn't be as sucessful)