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The World that is Galen
Galen is a roleplay guild based on the events of an entire world.

There is a legend of a list that has information on every creature that has ever and will exist on Galen. This list is a powerful weapon. It also has the weaknesses and nesting spots of the creatures. What were to happen if this list fell into the wrong hands? Nothing good. that is for sure.

A Nephilim named Zacarias guarded the list. He had hidden it from the world by making his young girl companion named Luna carry it. Unfortunately, a Fallen kidnapped Luna to get to Zacarias. Luna got away, but the list has fallen into bad hands. Now Zacarias and his companions must muster as much strength as they can to save the world. Where will the journey lead them? What will become of them and the world? The fate of the world lies in your hands.

How We Work
Galen is a solid, in character roleplay for serious roleplayers. The plot lines are serious, indepth, and complicated. Many plots are moderator run, while others are at the whim of regular users. Creativity reigns supreme as each plot interweaves, and the history of Galen is slowly etched out by the users themselves.

The Rules
As it is a fairly serious roleplay (though humorous antics are loved) we have some definite rules that must be abided by.
1- No God Moding
This is a serious pet peave of many roleplayers. Decent roleplayers must personally explain the powers through their actions and establish themselves before you can be allowed to use any grande sized power you have. I know this is a little unfair for excellent roleplayers with powerful characters, we just can't have a ton of ultimately powerful beings wandering around, it's not fun. We do have a few character who are designated God-moders. For each plotline certain characters can be picked out for this purpose. This is so they won't be defeated until the end of the plotline, which is their purpose in the first place in the story.
2- You Must Use Proper Roleplaying Format
The most basic principle in any roleplay is to roleplay as though you're writing a book. In this guild, that is a MUST. YOU MUST BE LITERATE. So, NO astericks around actions, and ALL speech must be in quotation marks. You CANNOT write in first person. And as it is proper style in books, be descriptive. It makes things interesting. And be creative with thread topics. Don't just give it one simple word give the place a name.
3- Respect the Will of Your superiors
The mods for the guild are carefully chosen at this point to monitor, moderate and participate in the guild's storyline. Respect their judgement, or you're banned.
4- Respect Fellow Roleplayers
No personal attacks, no random deaths, no God-moding. If you'd like something cool to happen in an interaction between characters, perhaps talk it out beforehand. If a battle takes place, make sure the opposing party is willing to fight. Do not provoke or insult fellow guild members except in strictly roleplay situations; and on that note, do not take personal offense from personal attacks as the are probably meant only for your character. Respond accordingly, but make sure, than in your response no real aggression is felt from the roleplayer.
5- Work With Other Plotlines
Do not isolate yourself from other users and expect them to conglomerate around you. You need to go them and join in their quests and adventures too. It is suggested that one does that before starting their own series of activities. The Guild newspaper will make note of current events so that you can get involved, and the mods will post a summary of events on any longstanding, guild sponsored stories.
6- Be a Member
Do all of the following things above, and at the same time, be sure to be contributing, not hindering to the roleplay experience of your fellow guild members. Add your own unique elements that make this whole experience more interesting. This will make a huge difference in the your own, and everyone else's roleplay experience here.

How to Apply
In the application submit an example of your rping ability. Remember it must be literate. </center>


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