"Creeds separate all children of God."

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Picture an eternal kindergarten.
Finger paints for everyone, food split evenly amongst the masses, and an open viewpoint untainted by the cynical surrounding world.

Essentially, a commune for children.

And what is a commune, you ask?
A commune is the proverbial Utopian society. When hippies in the 60s would find themselves disgusted with society. Its hypocritical cynicism and closed mindedness, sexual repression, and the crooked politics drove them to create a commune. A small community away from community with no concept of money, just good deeds and being part of something greater than yourself without any true price or lack of personal identity. You were still a person, an artist, or whatever you wanted to be, and you just helped your fellow man get by. While it's beautiful in concept, it's not always applicable to real life.
In the 1960s, various peoples made their attempt at forging this type of society. It obviously didn't work out in the long run, but that doesn't mean small groups of people can't succeed where others failed.

A meeting of minds in an international online community is a beautiful concept. A place to share ideas of art and music, and to be accepted for what you can bring into any discussion.
Gaia isn't this sort of place anymore. It is now the sanctuary of trolls, noobs, and twelve year olds focused on making their avatar cool. It is now a place of pure materialism. Consider this guild to be a refuge for those with an open mind, willing to contribute and hoping to gain from the experiences of others.
This is a community for you, by you. There are no bonds, or rules that limit your ability to speak freely.
In a world of cynicism and anger, this is a place of creativity and peace.

The commune.