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'Ello Everyone Welcome to the Saiken Guild/ Club.
I'd rather be called a club cause it sounds more cooler!
But you can call it whatever you want.
Anyways, this Guild is a battle guild based on the highly anticipated Battle System that is soon to come, if you couldn't already tell.

My name is AKKO, you can call me AKK0-chan if you want. 3
I own this guild and am proud of it.^^
...[Even though I am a mule xD]
Consider me the face of the Saiken Club, Along with the Captain of the Squads.

Anyways the term Saiken means "Bonds" in Japanese.
I figured it was a good way to describe this guild, cause I want everyone to be friends and form close bonds with the members of this guild kind've like a family. ]

I don't just want a guild where we go together and slay monsters for experience points, I also want everyone to have fun and gain friends here on Gaia.
Since Gaia is about friends NOT

...Or So they say.

Anyways, this Guild will hopefully encourage you to participate and get other members to join, since it's just that awesome and will completely obliterate everyone else's guild when the Battle System does come out. ]

"Just Bring It Jabronis!"
-Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.

Who knows maybe you'll even discover yourself in the long vast journey that is Gaia. ]

But to make this simple here is a list of the Saiken Club goals, of course they're probably more than I list.

Welp Here Goes

Guild Goals

*Make Friends
*Help Others With Quests
*Help Noobs Not Suck (..Too Bad)
*Have A Good Time
*Dominate the Gaia Battle System
*Discover Your Potential

*Help AKK0 Rule the World

Woah, who said that? <.<? >.>? <.<?

Well anyway, time to further expand on the Guild Format!

Based on the ever so popular Bleach Series the Guild will be divided up into sections or squads rather.

*Note, this is not to separate the weak from the strong, this is simply to make it easier for people to get acquainted with each other. I don't want anyway squad wars per say, but there will be competitions! FRIENDLY COMPETITIONS! No Bashing.
We are a family under the same name!
Consider the teams Cousins? xD

They're are currently Eleven Teams
Captain Positions are yet to be filled.
(Meaning there are a crap load left)

But I'll get to that later, I know this post is all over the place!
But you don't know what it feels like trying to finish this post before you have to go to bed!

Anyway you're section will be determined by this questionnaire that I want you to fill out upon joining or sending you're admission ticket.^^
-I dun' no what it's called. xD
The thingy with you're money.

Anyway Fill This Out


Gaia Name
Why It Was Chosen
Preferred Music Genre
Religion (Optional, If You Don't Feel Comfortable Posting This, You Don't Have To.)
School Schedule(Just Helps Us Know More About You)
Reason You Would Make A Good Captain(Optional If You Want to Become a Captain.)

Preferred Division"

That's it.^^
Easy no?

Well the Squads are as follows
(Sorry if I used any Japanese names incorrectly, I'm not Japanese. 0.o))

[Descriptions soon to come
Name of Squad (English Translation/Element)]
*Not just because you are that element doesn't mean you have to use it. xD

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Tanryoku (Courage/Fire)
the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery.

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Mikomi (Hope/Light)
to look forward to with desire and reasonable confidence.

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Gojou (Joy/Wood)
the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying; keen pleasure; elation

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Shinpou (Faith/Sky)
confidence or trust in a person or thing faith in another's ability

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Kenshiki (Pride/Dark)
a becoming or dignified sense of what is due to oneself or one's position or character; self-respect; self-esteem.

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Heisei (Serenity/Water)
the state or quality of being serene, calm, or tranquil; sereneness.

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Itonami (Life/Spirit)
animation; liveliness

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Onjou (Compassion/Healing)
a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering.

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Kyouko (Strength/Earth)
the quality or state of being strong; bodily or muscular power; vigor

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Aikou (Love/Metal)
a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend

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Kenpei (Unity/Ice)

a whole or totality as combining all its parts into one

[All Definitions courtesy of]

[No Complaining about what squad you get! scream ]

Phew, I could really use a Soda right now.
Anyways that's it for now.
Hope you enjoy this Guild, and hopefully it will survive through thick and thin!

Good Luck to All of You Joining,

Break it Down.^^