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Hundreds of years ago all the clans used to work together forming one huge alliance under the royal family. There once was nine clans but two clans died out leaving seven clans, with seven deadly sins. Gangrel, Brujah, Malkavian, Nosferatu, Toreador, Tremere, and the Assamite are the remaining clans. Everything was peaceful and violence rarely occurred between clans, violence was common within the clans though against one another. That's when things were calm and the seven leaders ruled over the clans. One day the royal family just vanished and many rumors started to fly a month after their disappearance. Some said they were killed, some said they were kidnapped, some within the castle believed that they all went into hiding or a magical comma, and some didn't know what to believe. The clan leaders used to mesh together in harmony but changes in power has lead to an outburst of violence between the clans. The new leaders let the power get to them and they buckled under the responsibility of keeping the power shifts under control. Clan members got out of control and started to revert back into uncivil manors. Vampires started to attack humans, wolves began to murder vampires, and other creatures began to rebel against the civil courts. With the royal family gone other clan leaders tried to step up when new ones failed to find peace and become the new royal family. This led to the leaders fighting for power and mass confusion between clan members. Now the once friendly alliances have been broken and very few people in any of the clans remained friends, those who were wise fled to the city of Crimsonlight when things got hard. Things have settled down a lot better now that there is no royal family and people have stopped trying to replace the positions for the most part. The balance is still disturbed but the crime rate has dropped but things are begging to get bad again with the new rumors of the royal family being reborn. People are desperately trying to search for them to restore the balance of power and peace. A long awaited war is pounding at the breaking point's door. People can only take so much until things snap. Hopefully the royal family's mystery disappearance will be solved to put an end to the fighting before a bloody war for power breaks out.

About this guild
Whats to say about this guild, this guild was started about a year ago by the current owner. Its had its ups and downs like most guilds but it stills holds strong. This guild is a role playing guild so that means grammar and literacy are a must here. We ask that your semi-literate if not advanced. Plus this guild holds other activities like guild get together events and contests for items and gold. This guild is not all vampires, you can be any creature you wish. It used to be free to join this guild but it was decided that if you have to pay to get in you'll at least try to stay in. Don't donate to this guild, donate to the guild Idealistic Vampire Clan The donations are only used for the guild contests and nothing more. We hope to hold contest events every other week but without gold we can't hold a lot so please donate anything you can to the guild mule.

Join request
Please read through this carefully or your request to join will be denied! The following information needs to be included in your join request if you expect to be accepted into this guild. All applications will be approved or denied on Mondays and Fridays so don't ask a guild moderator about it. If your denied it's most likely because of your role playing skills so don't whine about it, try later.

Why do you wanna join this guild?
Give us an example of your role playing skills.

What is expected of me if I'm approved?
If your accepted into the guild then congratulations! During your first week you will be expected to have a character made in the historian. We also expect you to have joined a clan and a role play or two, this helps you get more adjusted. You can find clan biographies within the welcome forum to help you in your decision on what clan you want to be apart of, you must also read the rules first because it will clear a lot of things up for you if you have any confusion.

1. Read the rules in the welcome forum so you understand what you can and can't do in the guild.