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Even as a child, we all believed in super heroes and super powers
On starry nights, we would beg our parents to read us stories
Stories about our cartoon super heroes
And every night, we would be kissed on the forehead and tucked in to sleep
And dream, dream about how we had super powers
But as we got older and started school, some of us stopped believing
And as we grew more mature, many of us doubted the existence
By the time some of us got married, we were to busy to think about any nonsense
But there were a few of us that still believed
Believed there were such things as powers and capes
We would stop thinking in the average world
And daydream in another
One day, our dream came true
There were people that suddenly had powers
And their life changed forever
But the many of us that didn't believe
Ignored our existence
Ignored our powers
Rose against us
Look down on us
And even though we saved them
They hated us
We could not live a normal life
Not when there was so many that despised us
They would not live in the realm of reality
But there was hope
And there was a school
That would not only teach us
But would set challenges for us to overcome
And here, would people of special talent
Be surrounded with others of their own kind
Here at Reality Academy
We are all equal