Welcome all to the world of Different Blood.

We are starting new chapters to this role play, we need certain types of characters. This means we're looking for really good role players who can do multi-chapters, VERY literate so keep that in mind. We prefer older role players over 18 but younger ones are apt to be accepted if they prove they can function in the role play.

There are a lot of rules and this is a very in depth story line role play so if you think you'll have a problem with any of the things you see please look else where.


Welcome my friends who love the vampire life, lycan mystique, and human interaction in the world of those with different blood. If you've read Ann Rice or Laurell K Hamilton this will be the perfect role play for you.

There are a lot of rules and guidelines to go by so if you're not a serious role player you may want to look elsewhere. Also be in it for the long haul if you're gonna be gone pm a notice or something.

NOTICE TWILIGHT STORY LINES AND METHODS ARE NOT WELCOME HERE! Vampires do not walk in the daytime without a human servant or ancient powers, not sparkle in daylight.


Takes place in Southern California. There are cities and districts set up for vampires, lycans, and humans. Divided yet united, vampires are treated as people and have the same rights as humans.

However there are those who become those of different blood and still hold on the errors of the human race. Lycans are also no exception, they have groups all over of all kinds but there are a few who go astray.

This roleplay is about the different views of vampires, lycans, and humans living together in modern times, with equal rights, and freedom.

But with every paradise, there is a dark side. Those who are hired to kill the 'monsters' those who hunt humans without mercy, and those who are dragged into it. Which will be?

Story Thus Far

There are packs of Lycans set up in the State of California as well as territories.

In San Diego there is Eirena, a shadow wielding master Vampire who has taken an interest in raising survivors of fox lycan attacks. She is powerful and has a lot of influence. She left Erebus; a strong vampire; in charge of her city while she collected the poor lycans and returned to find him a mafia don set on being master of the city forever. Upon her return she found Benjimen, her last creation, and through him the packs of Cali.

In the cities of Irvine and Oceanview there are three reigning packs. Micheal the wolf Ulfric has a pack that is made up of vampires and wolves and lives in a home on the beach that has made an allegance with Shayde's kiss. Nicoli the new Vixen (queen of foxes) who has taken up the responsibility of a pack of rescue foxes from the Master of San Diego Eirena. Last but not least Andrew, the wolf assasign who also lives in San Diego and in the reigning Ulfric.

All have come together through trials and battles and formed a strong alliance. However there are still those who seek to destroy their happiness. Alex the revenge seeking vampire has sworn to take all and bring great sorrow to those around him. His first target is the newly turn Raizura who is under the protection of his little brother William who also shares his gift of raising the dead. Also Erebus, the prideful power mad vampire has it out for Nicoli and her pack of foxes so that he may rise about his previous master and take all she has.

Read Chapter one for More Details
Chapter 1