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if rules are broken it will go as folows
Rule broken #1. warning
Rule broken #2. second and final warning and an explanation and apology must be written
Rule broken #3. immediate banning from the guild

certain rules listed below are merely suggestions and are ok if broken and rule 2 if broken is an immediate ban from the guild

1. Always listen to the owner and moderators
2. Romance is allowed but if it gets too far go to pm's NO CYBERING! if caught cybering within the guild you will be banned

3. When you join the guild make sure you are willing to put at least once a week activity but we encourage much more
4. No God moding within roleplays unless allowed

5. you may curse but not to an extreme
6. Please, make sure your profiles for roleplays make sense when sent to the owner

7. Keep it PG-16
8. No killing other peoples characters unless you have permission

9. Do not use 'text talk' and please, try to spell
10. Have fun and be creative!

11. Do NOT quit or end a roleplays unless necessary
12. if you talk out of context use ((_)) if you speak use"_"

13. when creating roleplays you must give much detail and rules that do not clash with the main set of rules given here
14. We recommend you use colored words for characters and if multiple characters are used in a same roleplay it is advised that you use colored words one color per character

we dont need a long explanation of why you are joining just state you like roleplaying and will stick with us for a while

Entrance fee is 50g and will be deducted upon joining the guild

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