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Welcome to the Gaian Fashion Guild!

This guild is for people with a passion for fashion. Here we will talk about all of the latest styles and trends both in and out of Gaia. There's room for discussion on everything (as long as it is fashion-reated); shoes, designers, trends, personal style, the newest Gaian store update.. just as long as you have an opinion and want to share it!

The GFG is currently running an e-magazine for the guild, which has recently pushed out it's fourth issue. Writers [experienced or not] have a lot fun helping to write an article or so for our magazine, which the guild members always anticipate.

Everyone is welcome to join: age and whether or not you have a stylish avatar do not matter! The main requirement is that you enjoy and want to talk about fashion - both real life fashion and Gaian fashion, in a fun, safe and constructive atmosphere. Each person accepted into the guild adds interesting insight to forum discussion.

There are a few rules, however, to ensure the constructive atmosphere we care about. Please be sure that you
read & understand them before joining!

When applying, try to tell us why you think you should be accepted into the guild. To give you an example, you can include something about your style, where you like to shop, your favorite fashion magazines, if you design your own fashions, etc.. We like our guild members to be active and for them to add to current guild discussions and to start their own. "I like fashion" or "I shop" is not a good reason for us to accept you, please elaborate, tell us things you've made, WHY you like fashion, etc.