We laugh at you, it's as simple as.
The whole point of this guild is to bring what happens on LJ communities such as ******** and ******** to Gaia.
For those who don't know what that is, let me explain.

There are kids all over the world, who enjoy making their hair look greasy as hell, putting black lipstick all over their faces and wearing badly put together outfits from Poundland's Halloween sales, then posting their photos all over the internet claiming to be VISUAL KEI.

This here guild laughs at those people, for failing as much as they do.

1) Don't post someone who isn't proper fail just becuase they lyk totally backstabbed yuu and yuu dun lyk dem anymore.

2) Dont page stretch, if and image is too big, put a link to it rather than posting it as User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.