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Welcome to the Rape and Abuse Survivors Guild.

To join, simply send a request with either what you have to offer (as in support) and your expierience, or what you have gone through (a brief description, we dont want full details... just something like "I was raped when I was 9" wink .

I'm going to get right to the point of our guild.

What kinds of abuse are allowed-
Any. We're not going to say, "Well, you were only metally abused, you're not important," because you ARE important. Everyone is. Any kind of abuse is allowed here or even people who know others who are or have been abused.

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Why we're here-
We're all here to provide support to anyone who needs it.

Who can join-
Anyone. Not just Abuse survivors. We need people to be here for them. I wish I had had a place after my experience but I went through it alone. Now I want to give you all a place where you can tell your problems and get advice and support.

Just so you know-
No one that is not a member can view this. Feel free to share anything.

And, as in the Las Vegas commercials, what happens in the guild, stays in the guild. I enforce this strictly.

And do not worry! We're all friendly here. Feel free to have fun or be serious. No one will judge you. I promise.


1. Respect the opinions of others.
2. Don't belittle someone for any reason.
3. Cursing is allowed as long as rule number two isn't broken.

If I catch anyone breaking these rules, you will be warned first. Any further breaking of rules will result in banning.

[bold]Belittling will NOT be tolerated.[/bold]

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Partner Guilds

Life Issues Hangout