Incoming members will recieve a friendship request from the guild mule. Please accept this request. Thank you.

<center>User Image</center>

Welcome to SAFE.

In order to protect privacy, as well as for safety reasons, the forum and memberlist can only be viewed by people in the guild.

  • What is SAFE?
  • Who is this guild for?
  • Why should I join?
  • I don't know if I should join because what I went through wasn't as bad as what has happened to other people.
  • I haven't been abused but I give good advice. Can I join?

<center>What Is SAFE?</center>

This guild is a support group for victims and survivors of abuse, rape, and neglect. This is a place where you can talk about anything. No matter what has happened to you, there is someone here who understands because they've been through it too.

<center>Who is this guild for?</center>
This guild is open to anyone that has been abused in the past, whether it was by family members, in relationships, or from someone else. Abuse can be physical or sexual, but it can also be verbal and emotional. If these tings happened to you in the past but you got through it, we would like you to join and share how you got through it all because your experience can help someone else.

<center>Why should I join?</center>
This guild is full of people that understand what you've been through. You can talk to us about anything, and we promise not to judge you. (Chances are the same things have happened to us anyway,) It's also completely anonymous (unless you choose not to be anonymous.) No one but guild members can see what you post here, so you don't have to worry about your mom, dad, boyfriend or anyone else you know reading your posts. Besides, it feels really good to get things off of your chest, especially when you don't really have anyone to talk to.

<center>I don't know if I should join because what I went through wasn't as bas as what has happened to other people.</center>
Join anyway. If you decide that the guild isn't right for you you can always change your mind. A lot of people say this because they think that some of the things other people have been through are worse. There is no "You must be at least this abused to enter" sign on the homepage, and there isn't going to be.

A lot of people don't realize that abuse doesn't have to be sexual or even physical. Abuse can be verbal or psychological. If your parents are constantly screaming at you and telling you that you're worthless, then that's abuse - even if they never hit you. Neglect is also a form of abuse.

<center>I give good advice. Can I join?</center>
Since this guild is a support group, we do not encourage people to join just because they believe that they give good advice, because they're curious about what we have to say or what we've been through. This is a place for people with common experiences to get together and talk about very sensitive personal issues. While it is admirable that other Gaians want to help, this is not a public forum and such advice/support posts would be better suited for the Life Issues forum.

<center>Allied Guilds</center>
Please check out our allied guilds as well.

When you feel all alone...
Abuse Survivors
Life Issues Hangout
Teen Sex, Pregnancy and Puberty Guild
Security Blanket