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Welcome to Angelic Songs, a new roleplaying guild for anything. This guild was created for the sole purpose of roleplaying and, most important, having fun. If you want to roleplay Medieval Fantasy, Modern Fantasy, Anime, Books, Gangs, anything, you can do it here, although it does have to correspond with the Gaia TOS. Mkay?

A few of the Guild’s goals are:

~Have More Members
~Have an Active Guild
~And Have Fun!

The massive roleplay has been decided upon. It’s not just medieval fantasy, but incorporates all genres. From Medieval Fantasy to Sci-Fi, all genres can be applied to this roleplay. The massive roleplay is to bring all roleplayers together and hopefully it will appeal to everyone. Here’s a little bit about it:

From the moment time began, from the moment intelligent being were created, there was always the question, ‘is there life such as our’s on other planets?’ It wasn’t until a few centuries after that question was asked that in the middle of each planet, a giant stone gate rose up from the land. Ancient text was written all over the gate and it wasn’t until years later that the text was deciphered.

The text spoke of how one day the gate would open. On that day, a bright light was to engulph anyone who had managed to be in front of it at the time. If one was to enter, an adventure was for them. If one was to stay, and not enter, death was all that awaited them.

One day the gates did open. As for the world beyond the gates, only those who have entered have seen the Other World. As for how they plan to leave this world, time only tells...

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This is a literate roleplaying guild, and as a literate roleplaying guild, what you roleplay should be in depth and fun. There are a few rules, and a few things you have to do before joining, but here should be all about fun. The Crew don’t want to have to kick you out (that’s no fun for you or the crew) so behave and follow these simple rules!

1. Have fun.
2. d0n”+ +aIk Lke +hi$ (translation = Don’t talk like this)
3. Post at least 5 well developed sentences.
4. Post in Novel format.
5. 3 posts per week
6. OOC Chatting only in OOC Fourm

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Now, here’s the important part. If you’ve read all of this, you know that you must accept these, tough-but-fair, rules. To join, when you push that button, please place ‘Choirs of Angels sing when light reaches the ground’ at the TOP of the join request. Following that you should place a sample of a post. It must follow these rules and if it exceeds the required number of characters you’re allowed to have, just send a pm to blue_angel_forever titled with ‘Choirs of Angels sing when light reaches the ground’. Mkay?

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School of Dedicated RolePlayers

.:Koiji Romansu:. Literate Romance Rps

The Wonderful World of Romance

We’ll be awaiting your join requests and we’ll send you your acceptance A.S.A.P.
Until then,
Angelic Songs ~ Literate Roleplaying Guild