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Welcome Fellow Cadets and Aquafans, to the the SUPER RAD AQUABATS AND FRIENDS GUILD!
We here are dedicated to your enjoyment.
So let's lay down some basic rules then we'll proceed.


-If you are an aqubat hater-PLEASE GET OUT. You are not wanted here.
-Try to keep chat aquabat related on the main fourm. If there is a chatter subform created, that goes there.
-Same goes for spam - PLEASE NO!
-Try to stray away from super-chatspeak. W3 C4Nn0T 73Ll WhuT UR S4Y1n!!!!!
-Don't be mean to other members, guyssss. None of you are "better" than the others because you "were a fan longer". Give newer fans a chance to learn about the band, too.
-Keep cursing to a minimum. I myself, Curse like a sailor but, I know you can do it! If I can! YOU CAN! WHOOOO!


Read teh rules.
Tell us why you want to join.
How long have you been a fan.
And any other random stuff.