*For the time being, these rules will suffice. I will add more later!*

Welcome to Chatoyant! The guild of manga, anime, video games and well..mostly everything you can possibly think of!


Please keep the swearing to a minimum. Thank-you.
No cybering. Please, take your vile habits else where. D: <
No harassing other members. If you don't like them, don't talk to them. Good? Good.
Please try to be semi-literate so we can actually read your writing or at least decode it. I don't need to go to a topic and read this "lol u oklolol tat so kwl liek totalyz lololooloololshift!112LOL!111". If you would like to type like then please go to "www.neopets.com". They'll welcome you with open arms.
No harassing the Guild Captain or Vice Captains. Dude, we can ban you. As simple as that.
Do not post smut pictures.
No, I repeat NO spamming in the guild forums. Only if we make some crazy spam forum.

And if you would like to join just please state what you like and why you would like to join.

Love one of the amazing Vice Captains, Pockey_Bomb.