a little girl smiles as you enter the main foye. she runs you to you and says "welcome to the coven how may i be of use on this lovely night?"she smiles and points to a table neer a large chair."thats were you sign in as a new comer."she says as she pulls you to the book that looks to be more than a hundred years old. she hands you a pen and giggles."once you sign your here for life."she sang as she sikped off down a hallway.
After you have watched the little girl run off you start to wonder if you should be here. you set down the pen and look at the frount cover of the book.
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you open to the frist page and you find a set of rules.

1. follow gaia rules
2. no cussing unless you use **
3. no trying to beg for gold(i hate beggers)
4. no fighting unless that person wishes to fight
5. no drinking other coven members blood unless the person gives you an ok.
6. no god modding i and the vice caps are the only gods here.
(if you agree to this place 13 in you join request)

You trun the page and see a list of names starting with the head mistress.
Head mistress
Alexsa the dark princess
head conseler
--The Dark Sign Painter

(if you wish to be any of thes jest ask in your join request and tell why)

You turn the page and look at it. you smile as you sign your name.
[color=darkred](coven name, why you wish to join, and if you have agreed to the rules, 13.)[/color]

You finish, but then you nodice something that wasent there before. a small sentence at the
bottom of the page that reads. welcome to the coven and the best of luck.

plez donte^^ we'd be vary greatful
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-Sign Painter