Its not your ordinary poll guild.
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Welcome to the Poll Guild of Knowledge. I believe the title of this guild tells you what this guild is about, but I would like to go into further detail, and tell you exactly what this guild is about and what it is not about.

.:This guild is not about:.

:: Screaming your opinion like a bigot and being a close-minded dousche bag ::
:: Arguing over meaningless things and spending your entire time talking theology. ::
:: Casting out people you find to be less intelligent than you, flaming 'new' gaians or gathering into groups to make people feel unwanted ::
:: To make some quick cash ::

.:This guild is about:.

:: Finding new information, memorizing it and then discussing it with others, especially the one who posted it, then utilizing this information in life, whether during a debate, a discussion, a friendly chat or for anything else you may be able to use it for ::
:: Furthering ourselves in life even though we are no longer in school, most people will find that you never stop being a student, you never stop learning, this guild can be considered a focus point for the information and a friendly community to help you learn new things and expand your horizons, and the great thing is you can sift through threads as you please until you find a topic you want to know about ::
:: Making gold, yes, making gold. This guilds third goal to its members is to get them gaian gold, the single most important thing is knowledge, to learn more things that can help you in life or just interest you, the second is a friendly community that will help you to achieve the first most important thing. The third, is to make gold, otherwise why would I make this guild a poll guild? ::
This guild has recently made a sub-forum for spam posting and any random thing that does not belong in any other forums.

This guild has also recently made a sub-forum for debates and discussions, this will keep discussions and debates not based off of learning material out of the main forum.
Now that you know what this guild is about [and what it isnt about], why dont you consider joining up? I know this is a new poll guild and it may not be able to support all the polling you need at this moment, but if your a person who enjoys learning things whether you stumbled upon them on accident or went searching for the knowledge this is the place for you, and the more of the you's we find out there on gaia the closer we get to satisfying the polling needs for all gaians, and the closer we get to expanding each and every one of our human brains, hey, you never know maybe one day you'll even impress your friends with something you learned from here, wouldnt that be the day?