This guild is a place for nice people who just happen to be sick of being used for pixels. It is not about hate; it is about a group of individuals desirous of something more than chatter about items. In truth, we would love to do charitable things for many users of Gaia; From now on, we do them on our terms, as a guild, for many reasons:

- Even the nicest of people get stepped on. Sometimes, it seems, ESPECIALLY the nicest get stepped on. As a guild, we can blunt the effect by merely having like-minded individuals as a support base.

- We only have so much. Every user on Gaia will have their limitations; it is only logical that they cannot donate with any hope of their account thriving unless they do their charitable works in moderation. A few of us want so desperately to help others that we often break ourselves to do it. As a guild, we can blunt the effect by having guild-sponsored giveaways, raffles, etc.

- These pixels are not what they seem. Finally, this guild would be in place as an attempt to create a truly honest environment for those who have nothing to hide. All too often, we see Gaians being used for things that they aren't even giving away. This is such a low, disgusting habit, that we feel we cannot simply stand idly by and wait for our own remoras to latch on. So here we are.

- Membership is by invitation only.