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Never heard of Hikaru no Go?

Hikaru no Go, in English simply meaning "Hikaru's Go", follows a young boy named Shindou Hikaru and the ghost that haunts him, Fujiwarano Sai. Hikaru, your typical sports-loving kid one day stumbles across an old goban inhabited by Sai, an ancient spirit whose passion for Go keeps him from moving on until he has played the Hand of God. At first unwilling to play, Hikaru's own passion for the game soon begins to show, and thus begins his journey through the world of Go.

Far from boring, Hikaru no Go not only shows that Go is a game for everyone; this manga's rich story and interesting characters are what attract so many to it. All that combined with wonderful artwork really sets this series apart. The anime similarly brings the story to life using a great voicing cast and top-notch animation.

Interested in learning more or simply sharing your own knowledge?

This guild is open to any and all, no matter your experience. We welcome all new members to join with us in our discussions and perhaps play a game or two. So come and unite with us as a fellow part of the Go / Hikaru no Go Guild.

Not sure what Go is?

Go is a territorial game, and there are two players. One is black, and the other is white. The players take turns placing black and white colored stones on a board, marked with a grid of 19 lines by 19 lines. The stones are placed on the intersections of the lines rather than in the squares. Once played, stones are not moved. However they may be surrounded and so captured, in which case they are removed from the board as prisoners.

Go is a very special game, one because on such a large board, it's possible to do somewhat badly in one area but still to win the game by doing better on the board as a whole. Also, every game of Go quickly takes on a character of its own - no two games are alike. Since a player needs only to have more territory than the opponent in order to win, there are very few drawn games, though the outcome may hang in the balance until the very end. So as you can see, Go can be a very exciting game to play, more fun even than Chess.

Think Go is just a game your grandpa plays?

Think again.

Welcome to the Go / Hikaru no Go Guild, a place dedicated to showing that Go is something that can be loved by people of all ages. Whether you are new to the game, have been playing for years, or simply became interested in the manga and anime based on the ancient game, we invite you to join.

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