It Just appeared. You aren't quite sure where it came from, but it was just there. As though it belonged there. Like it had always been there. A letter on the window sill, propped up on the ledge against the glass pane. Aged Parchment paper, the kind no one uses anymore. Except for fancy letters or certificates.
A crisp envelope with it's back to you. A Crimson rose seal donning it's back like fresh blood. It was still warm, as though it had just been stamped, but that's impossible, wasn't it? That didn't matter though, did it? Biggest mystery, and most important of all, where did it come from? How did it get there? And...Who delivered it?

Drawn by curiosity, you approach the window and pick up the letter. You turn it over. To your surprise, it is not addressed. You turn it to the back again to look at the wax rose seal. There was something... magical about it, whether you believed in magic or not. You turn the letter back to the front again and are dumbfounded when you find a name now addressed in fine, elegantly written, hand writing. You aren't so sure what astonishes you most though. The fact that there is a name, where there wasn't one just seconds ago. Or the fact that the name is your own.

The Envelope has no return address. You cannot send it back from whence it came. Nor can you throw it away. It seems that where ever you put it, every time you turn around it's right back where you found it. Propped up on the window ledge.

Eventually you open the Envelope, whether right away or after trying to dispose of it numerous times--Only for it to return right back where it had first appeared. Inside is a Letter, made from parchment more yellow and aged than the envelope, but crisp as if it were made just the other day. The header is of elegantly hand-written letters. Two over lapped letter A's, with a fine rose vine decor bordering closely the top left hand corner.

Your eyes travel for a while to adore the decor that is ever so obviously hand drawn. And odd as it may seem, the vines are slithering slowly along the paper, making the rosary art work appear more alive than it should in the first place. Looking on, you try to ignore the living art in the corner of the paper. And you find the below passage:

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Dear Sir or Madam.

By opening this letter, you have taken your first step to beginning a whole new level of life filled with hardships and handwork whether within the classroom or on the school field. Before You are told anything beyond this you must first accept or decline. Chose carefully as this decision may very well change your entire outlook on life or even change your very life as it stands, both Academically and beyond.

Should you accept this offer to a new beginning, read on. Should you decline, take and burn this letter before it burns itself. The choice now is yours. Beware, though, as you have but only one chance. Once your decision has been made you will have passed the point of no return. If you decline, you have one chance to change your mind, and ONLY one chance.

That is all that is written. The rest of the parchment is empty, leaving a gaping blank on the bottom half of the paper. You ponder for a while by what this means. It is strange enough that this mysterious letter just happens to appear on your window ledge. And JUST so happens to have mysteriously apprehended your name, just by your touching it. At one point or another, you wonder if the letter would have really burned itself, had you not burned it first, should you have declined.

After a moment, when deciding to accept, words begin to fade into the blank upon the bottom half of the page. And it reads as follows below:

If you are reading this section of the letter Congratulations! You have been formally invited and accepted into Aiedail Academy. We of Aiedail Academy hope that you accept this invitation, as you have been specially chosen from many of thousands to attend the classes and courses of Aiedail.

We are an Academy designed to accept and home all races, Mortal and Immortal alike. In teaching, classes of example are the traditional Mathematics, Arts, and social classes. While others among them are the several forms of Combatant training courses, Magical Arcana’s of all forms known and thought to be dead, as well as Magical beasts history classes and many more.

Now that you have accepted this new beginning, let me warn you that if you are beginning to have second thoughts, it is far too late to be turning back since the second you accepted your new Birth. You will find that your luggage is already packed and an escort, whether by horse or carriage, or some other form of transportation, is nearby and ready to help you along your journey, should you not know your way on your own.

Do not worry about books or supplies. Aiedail has everything you need. All that you need to worry about now is getting you and your luggage to Aiedail, where your new life and education begins. Everything will be explained when you arrive.

Keep your letter, for you will be needing it upon your arrival. I’ll be watching for you.

Ryuu Kai,
Head Master,
Aiedail Academy

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Your thoughts wander upon this letter, until you realize that the envelope, that should be empty, now feels...heavier. Tipping it over your hand, a key falls out and into your palm. It is made of a fine metal, shining and sparkling in the light. The Key is obviously important and meant for you, as in it's handle is your name, engraved personally.

This only sparks your curiosity ever more. There is also a tag attached to the key, but there is nothing written on it. It seems unimportant at first, but you decided to leave it alone. Something tells you that this important, and that you are not to loose either the key...or it's tag.

From here the Journey is left to you, the reader. How do except this fate? This Destiny? The letter says that you have excepted, but do you leave for this 'Aiedail Academy'? Do you accept as this mysterious letter seems to claim that you have? Of course you do...After all, your destiny is inevitable.

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