[u:ffb05b196c][b:ffb05b196c]Welcome to the Kawaii Guild![/b:ffb05b196c][/u:ffb05b196c]

<img src="http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v260/goddess_ami/kawaii%20guild/cell.gif" align="left">A guild for everything Kawaii!
What does "[b:ffb05b196c]kawaii[/b:ffb05b196c]" mean? Translated into English it means [b:ffb05b196c]cute[/b:ffb05b196c], but just like "otaku" the word has come to mean much more! Its cool, bouncy, cutesy, trendy, stylish, and a whole attitude in itself. Kawaii is [b:ffb05b196c]you[/b:ffb05b196c]!

Join our guild if you like things like Pocky, cellphones, or any cute little thing. :3 Post you pictures, drawings, kawaii web sites, music, anime, or anything that you think is cute. [b:ffb05b196c]Be Kawaii![/b:ffb05b196c]

P.S. If you leave your request form blank, you will be denied!

If your username is offensive or you change it to something offensive, you will be BANNED. No questions asked. I've had complaints on some users making their names into rude/offensive names. Please keep the Kawaii Guild cute and fun![/color:ffb05b196c]