About the Guild
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For literate role-players and for role-players just starting out, or who like to rp with out worrying about being literate their will separate forums for the different levels of writing. Giving room for people to work on their writing and improve wile giving others a place where they can role-play at the level of writing that they are used to or are most comfortable with.

The Fan Forum will be devoted to chatting about anything FMA related this aria will be for role players and non- role players alike to shoot the s**t about their common interests, there are a lot of guilds out there the goal of this guild is to incorporate everything the other guilds have to offer into one guild that every one can enjoy. Its till under the construction phase so pleas be patent with me wile I get things up and ruing. Any fma fan can join I have the guild on Auto-Accept.

About The Sub Forums

RPing Sub-Forums
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Role-play Rules
These are set slandered rules for all the levels of Role-playing.
1. When multiple people apply for one character an addition must be held in where all people applying for said character submit to the rp’s owner their best writing impressions of that character’s personality either by pm or posting in the authors thread in the test forums. The author of the rp may type up a situation for the characters to react to and how ever does the best job at capturing the character will get the part.
This rule is not to shut anyone out I feel that it is more fair than first come first serve and will give the loser some insight and motivation to be a better role-player. I don’t care if your 13 or 25 your all old enough to handle this system with out being a cry baby, and your all old enough to benefit from it! The only RPing sub-forum not restricted to this rule is the privet sub-forum.
2.No God Modding, fallow the TOS of Gaia do not go over PG13.
3. No killing off someone’s character with out permission from the person playing said character.
4. Use the testing form when putting together an rp, especially if your rp is going to be in the Literate or semi-literate sub forums.
5. Do not complain if you do not get the character you wanted.
6. Listen to the creator of the rp, if you have a problem with the rp the their the first person you talk to do not pester the guild’s owner unless they are braking one of my rules.
7. If you are unsure of what rping level you would be at check the descriptions for each level of writing and if that doesn’t help ask one of the captions or crew.
I will find more

Description of the non lit sub-forum
If you don’t put much emphases on grammar, sentence count, or spelling your Role-play should go here. The Non-Literate sub form is to be a very relaxed rping environment both for people who could give a s**t about perfecting their writing and for people who want to get better but need to start off with baby steps.
If your still unsure of what non-lit is exactly here’s an example

"i all ready saw this crap in 5th and 7th grade, how come we have to watch this again?"
*instead of watching, i seat and draw pictures 3nodding *

Non- literate test-Forum
This is non-lit RPers who need a place to test out posting styles-work out the kinks in your character design by holding short and random RPs. Keep things PG-13, please

Rules for Non-lit sub-forum
1. Fallow the rules made by the RP’s owner.
2. Fallow the standard set of rules laid out for all rps
3. Don’t be a Grammar Nazi in this sub-forum.

The crew member in charge of over seeing this sub-forum is:TBA

Description of the Semi-literate Sub-Forum.
This is a more relaxed version of the literate sub-forum. People have different ideas on what semi literate is I’ll allow for this variation through the Semi-literate sub-forum but I will not allow people to make it as relaxed as the non lit sub-forum. Pleas excuse my currently vague description of this sub-forum and reference the rules for this form for better insight on what is expected form the role playing in this sub-forum.

Rules for the Semi-literate Sub-Forum

1. As always fallow the rules of the rp’s owner and the basic rules I‘m .
2. Type in third person when Role playing.
3. Grammar does not have to be perfect but the basics of using quotations for speech and not using any symbols for actions will be expected..
4. Expect rules on sentence count to very I’m leaving it up to the rp owners to figure out whether they will allow one liners or not. Typically one liners are allowed in cases of writers block but their not accepted as the norm.
5.All out of character chatter must be indicated unless its posted in the OOC sub-forum.
((I got to go.))
OOC: I’ve got to go.

Semi- literate test-Forum
This is semi-lit RPers who need a place to test out posting styles-work out the kinks in your character design by holding short and random RPs. Keep things PG-13, please

The crew member in charge of over seeing this sub-forum is:TBA

Descriptions for the Literate Sub-Forum.
This is the strictest level of role playing for people who are pros and enjoy an rp that will be challenging their writing skills. If English is your second language you may be given some leniency on miner stuff but expect people to be correcting you right an left and be able to deal with that. If your usurer if you should be posting here chances are you shouldn’t be.

Rules For the Literate Sub Forum.
1. Use spell check and read over your finished posts once before posting them to ensure the least amount of spelling and grammar errors.
2. Indicate thought by italicizing or highlighting in color such as gray or both. The grammatically correct way of indicating thought would be to use quotations but to avoid any confusion I recommend this method.
3. No one liners.
4. The owner of the will determine how big they’ll expect your post to be but expect that at the very least a paragraph pure a post will probably be expected from you.

Lit-testing: This is for all you hardcore literate RPers who need a place to test out posting styles-work out the kinks in your character design by holding short and random RPs. Keep things PG-13, please, as the captain and Gaia won't tolerate anything against to TOS.

The crew member in charge of over seeing this sub-forum is:TBA

Descriptions for the Privet Sub-forum.
People who want to rp with people they have pre-chosen for their rp, like friends and such. All rps in this forum are privet, one on one, and invite only so don’t ask to join them. If the owner of the rp wants you to join they will ask you.

Rules for the Privet Sub-Forum
1. Do not go over PG 13, just because your in a one on one rp doesn’t mean you can circumnavigate the TOS of Gaia.
2. This is the only rping sub-forum where you don’t have to addition for the part you want to play for obvious reasons.
3.All rps in this forum are privet, one on one, and invite only so don’t ask to join them. The only way you can join is if your invited by an rp owner.

The crew member in charge of over seeing this sub-forum is:TBA

The OOC:
Its just like the Barton Town OOC forum, this forum is for a group rp's side conversations who don’t want a lot of OOC chatter filling up their RP threads. You can also use this Forum to set up recruiting threads for your guild.

Non-RPing Sub-Forums

Fan Girl / Paring Forum:
This is for all you obsessive fan girls to run wild about your beloved characters and any and all parings, yaoi and yuri parings included. The only rule is that you must keep it PG 13 No posting or linking obscene pictures that go against gaia's rules. Things like that could get the guild banned so keep it PG 13.

Spoiler Forum:

This is where people who are up to date with everything can talk about the manga and subbed anime's most recent events. The latest chapters and episodes.
The only rule is for a topic to be here it has to be about something that happened from within the last 4 chapters of the manga or the last 4 episodes of the subbed anime. Anything passed that can go in the main forum.