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It's been a long time since you've visited with the Ashes of the Wind.

A long time ago, the earth was once a very beautiful thing and all the races on it wished to have it for themselves. Within this jealousy, a great war began and soon the earth they fought over was destroyed. Disappointed, all the races left the earth except for one, the humans. They regretted that which they had done and set out to make it right by planting and caring for the earth.

So they were rewarded. Every hard working person, everyone who did all they could to make it right again, were given special abilities and their lifespan increased from what it had been. However those who did not receive such gifts grew jealous once more and turned their backs on those lucky enough to be blessed.

Vexed by this spite, the gifted humans left and hid to continue caring for the earth. Eventually the beings were forgotten until in later years, when weary travelers came to spot them and they were given a new name - faeries. Creature of a magical and fantastical nature who were both good and evil, though none of them meant any harm... much.

But this isn't a story about what was, but rather what is. The fae are slowly dying out, and their numbers dwindle as each of them pass into the next life while the earth is left once more uncared for by the ignorant modern humans. So the earth gave them a gift once more: to have both new and old in one with just a hint of its own earthly magics, the return of those who had passed through the eyes of another being.

For they are from their ashes, these Ashes found and brought to us by the winds.