Welcome to T3h Mafia Guild!

Mafia is a game of survival. Each game has a different theme but generally the same concept.

There are killers and citizens (some with and some without special powers) The goal is to be the last ones standing. Every round is 24 hours. Once per round everyone votes off who they think the killer is. The person voted off goes to jail and the killer’s victim dies (unless the killer is sent to jail, or their victim is saved by an angel role). This is repeated every round until either of the two winning conditions is met:
-- The citizens win by successfully voting out all the killers.
-- The killers win by successfully killing off all citizens.

The prize money is then split between whoever wins!

If you want to request hosting a Mafia game in this Guild please PM the Guild Captain.

Join us in keeping Mafia Games alive! The more players we have the more games we can create!

ALSO if you would like to donate to T3h Mafia Guild for future games, please send a labeled trade "Donation for T3h Mafia Guild" to the Captain JanJiz.