۞ lívє mαjσr вαttlє ۞

Active May, 2018
Begins: Saturday May,19,2018 @5pm to7pm EST
Location: Battle Grounds
Note: Bring as many as you can to fight on your races side, you're gonna need them

۞ Update Log :

۞ New race added (Demons) by popular demand
۞ Story Updated ( 05/12/18 )
۞ Format Update done by Vicar Amelia

It had been years, since the last know elder vampire, Lady Kasxia, was seen. It seemed like all of the originals had either died, or vanished into thin air. After centuries of war and bloodshed between the races, things seemed to fizzle out. Yet, that still leaves the question of why would the Queen of vampires return? Rumor has it, that there's a new race in town. Something Dark, Evil, and diabolical. Something even worse than Vampires and Lycans combined. They call themselves Demons.

۞ thє hístσrч ۞

Centuries ago, Lycans and Vampires, both descending from the same ancestor, lived symbiotically. The vampires were the overlords, while the werewolves acted as their daytime guardians. The Lycans grew tired of slaving away for the vampires, and turned on their foes.

Thus the war began, spilling into modern times with more sophisticated weapons. The aim of both sides remains the same, though the defeat and extermination of their foe. a nefarious plan to awaken a new invincible species of predator that combines the strengths of both creatures and the weaknesses of neither, which threatens to tip the balance of power in favor of the werewolves, who have been on the losing end of the struggle for centuries.

۞ hσw tσ stαrt ۞

1. Create your profile (PM Dawning Winter Your Profile it will be added to the members profile page)
2. Look through a plethora of various locations. Click here.
3. Join Battles; Both minor and major, you will be capable of fighting on either side.
4. Choose your own destiny; Your character will be given a multitude of paths, choices, and events to join in order to turn the tides of the story.
5. Start Your Journey!

Note: You always start as a human.

a. Each New Guild Member is Human starting off, if you are bitten by either race it takes 1 hour for you to transform; Meaning you will be weak and unable to engage in battle until that time is up. No exceptions.
b. You will also want to read each location thoroughly because if you are hanging in an area where Lycans are most common and you want to be Vampire but a Lycan attacks you. You will become a Lycan and Vice-Versa.
c. You will also want to read profiles in the member profile section to become aware of who is lurking in any specific location so that you are able to become the race you wish to be.
d. No Human is allowed in either the Covenant or Lycan cave unless they have been bitten; in which they will reside in their proper races sanctum.
e. If you are a Human and have legitimately waited for a race to attack you for 3hrs+ You are free to choose your side (Lycan or Vampire)

Hint: There is only a cure so far for reversing the lycan venom. Which is only administered by Lady Kasxia Permission @5p per antidote.

۞ thє rαcєs ۞

۞ Demons:

Bred from hatred, blood of ire - a manifestation of evil that has surfaced within ones soul... To become a demon you must simply have the darkness, and evil within a tainted soul. It is not something that can be attained. It is the devil from within oneself.

۞ Humans/Hunters:

Placid, the most common of them all and present to watch the downfall. To become a Human Hunter, one must simply decide not to join either of the other races but to remain human and hunt vampire and lycan alike. Skill, precision, revenge.

۞ Lycanthropes:

Beings that channel innate primal forces, animals within that scour their enemies in the night with brute power alone. To become a Lycan, one must to be bitten(attacked) by a wolf. Now once one is bitten, the infection could last the entire 3 hours, or it could last until one acquires a cure.

۞ Vampires:

Of the old, of the new - stalkers of the night that remain hidden to the blind eye. To become a Vampire, one must be bitten by a vampire. Once the bite is administered it will take up to three hours to shift into a creature of bloodlust. There is no cure for vampirism.

۞ Hybrids:

Two halves become a whole, an amalgamation of flesh and blood that signifies a new beast - something horrid. A hybrid is a mixture of Vampire and Lycan. One cannot be a hybrid unless they are bitten by the one of the elder vampires and are a lycan or vise-versa.

۞ thє вαttlєs ۞

۞ Major Battles:

Every Major Battle will be displayed a week in Advance, Every member Lycan or Vampire will gather at a specific Location at a Specific time to duke it out at the end of the session we will then award the Race of the Week

۞ Minor Battles:

Anyone can start a minor battle between the races at any location at any given time.

۞ Training Battles:

Battles among the same race which can be done in any location including their proper races sanctums.

۞ lєt us вєgín ۞