
Welcome to the Artisans Unite guild!!!

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This is a place where many Artists of many varieties get to come and show people what they love to do best!! Here we'll throw gatherings, meetings, contests (with prizes) and many more fun activities. We also have rpg's, fun little games in the forums and more! And of course goofing off, chatting and criticizing is definitely allowed here.
And I'm still not finished! Here in this guild we Artists will be learning ways to improve our skills, by using constructive criticizing! (Which means telling your fellow artist reasons why or why not their piece of work is good and to also tell them ways to help them improve)
I will often put in warm up posts so writers and other Artists can get their brain more ready for the upcoming creations.
In this guild we treat each other more like family as we comment on other people precious children and help improve them. Don’t be afraid to show your art.

(By children I mean the Artists creation that they are presenting).
Everyone must treat each other with respect and friendliness as this is not to be an aggressive guild. I WILL kick out people who are bullies and somehow do not have the capability to be nice to others. We do not allow porn, but gore is fine (as long as you rate it in your title to warn others. Example: Dooms Day (R rated) ) and please no swearing too much. A little is okay, but make sure you rate it in your title if it seems like a lot.

Please, I beg of you, before you join our amazing guild. PLEASE make sure that when you type things it’s understandable to EVERYONE. N0N3 oF Thl$. Thank you. <3

Our Motto:
Critics and Lovers of Art. Critics and Lovers at heart.

Examples of our art. ;D
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(If you wish to have your art up on the main page, pm me and let me know!)