☆Welcome Ladies And Gentlemen To The Ultra Elite zOMG Clan!☆

This clan rescues citizens and destroy enemies!

There are clan levels! If you are clan level 40 or higher then you can train newbies by doing clan missions!

If you like to know more information then read our organized guide! We would like you to join!

If you donate 1,000 gold , you can level up by one!

Better if you do more clan missions if you join!

The leader of the clan is hard to find!

The clan's base is at Central Barton Town!

This clan does game and contest that has rewards in the forums!

The Clan Home Page Is The Leader's Profile!

Add The Clan Master If You Want To Join!

We Also Advertise Other Guilds!

Please request to join this clan and please have a nice day!

User Image

Worker Of The Week
User Image (Jonny The Fox)

Clan Website