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The cold marble echos with the footsteps of the people already inside the meeting chamber. Standing behind a podium is a young woman looking serious.

"Greetings to you fellow Gaians. I'm pleased that so many of you could make it. It would appear that these so called 'Animated' are becoming more and more of a threat with each passing moment. I propose we do something about this." The woman stops speaking as a murmur runs through the crowd.

"Fear not, I intend nothing drastic. Merely a secondary line of defense should - Mods forbid - the Barton Regulars fall. A group who can come together and face this new evil with one front. As one Gaia has faced the threat of a zombie invasion. We have faced the threat of vampires. We have faced the threat of aliens. This is no different. Together we can face the threat of the animated. Here in this hall we can do justice to our world. If you would stand with me, speak and be heard."

The woman falls silent and looks out hopefully upon those gathered.