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Wisps of Cotton Candy is a guild for semi-literate to literate roleplayers. I have a few rules that you may want to observe, or you might just get kicked out (I'm using what I call a baseball system: Three strikes, you're out.)

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My rules:

1. No one in this guild shall be spoken rudely to because of race, gender, or sexual oriantation. If they are, there goes a strike.
2. I am the ruler of this guild, and as such I can and will make use of my power to add and delete rules.
3. You must be semi-lit. to literate to join.
4. Please use my form when filling out your request:

Semi-lit or literate?=
Do you like my avatar, or have you not seen it?=
Roleplaying sample= Im not telling you how long it has to be because some people will fake it and get in by faking. I don't like that.

5. If you godmod, then you shall lose a strike (Unless godmoding is like a requirement for your character or for the roleplay.)
6. I can't think of any more rules right now, but I want to put this here anyways.
7. If you cyber, the last thing you will see will be a girl with black hair and dark brown eyes with a bloody knife in her hand.

Anyways, have fun! And I hope to see you in my guild!