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Hello and welcome to the Tokio hotel International guild.

You're probably wondering what makes us so special compared to all the other TH guilds?
Well for starters we think senseless, over the top rules are just lame.
Freedom of speech should be allowed with the exception of making sure you respect your fellow member. And be active. It's as simple as that.

Also, you always notice how many people post things associated with just the US in many guilds now a days.
We believe that needs to be changed.
So here we are, making sure things that happen all over the world, TH related should be updated regularly so that you have the low down on them all the time.

We think it's time to get rid of the boarders and come together as all fans of TH should. If we don't stick together and stand up for our boys, who will?
So if you think this is the guild for you hit the "JOIN" button now.
You'll be accepted when one of our mods gets the request.
But Make sure to let us know you're a fan first and foremost in the request. smile