Welcome to JFU. We hope that your hero or villianry skills improve during your stay with us. Here are the standards and guidelines you will abide by while you are here.

*~Joining application should look like so...~*
Hero Name:
Civilian Name:
Appearance: (Picture or description)
Weapon of choice: (Picture or description)
Other information:


Real Name:
Place of Birth:
Known Relatives:
Group Affiliation:
Eye Color:
Hair Color:



1: NO GODMODING! Godmoding is when you take control of the other character's actions in any way without their explicit permission. This could be anything as small as implying how they reacted to something you said, to as big as playing out their actions for them. If you need more information on what God-moding is, please PM me. I'm friendly and like answering questions, and would rather answer ten million questions than have to have a chat with someone about why they're getting suspended.

2: Weaknesses are a must! Unless you are the Sentry, and even then, you are not invincible. Let yourself be hit. Your character MUST have a weakness. It's no fun fighting against someone who you have no possibility at all of winning against.

3: If you are in character, stay in character. If you have something to say out of character, put it either at the bottom or top of your post, and note it in some fashion. Example: ((OoC: Hey, thanks for reading the rules!))

4: Do your best to use proper grammar and spelling. Take a second to read your post over and make sure it makes sense and there aren't any huge mistakes. I understand that typos happen here and there, I'm guilty too. I'm not going to get on anyone about this unless the problem makes it hard for others to understand your post.

5: Respect your fellow Role Player. If anyone feels they are being disrespected by any other player, please contact one of the mods immediately. We will handle the situation accordingly.

6: Have fun! That's why we're all here. I know that looks like a lot of rules, but it's really not.

7: Attendance is a must unless you tell me other wise that you can't be here for a certain amount of days. If you come into the guild and not rp, then you are taking a spot for someone who could be rping. So, you are replaceable. I might not like it, but it is fair.

8. OOC section. Use it! Get to know people! Post funny things.

9. Promote the guild. You are our best advertisement.

10. To become crew, you have to show me a certain degree that you know what your doing. Right now I have a full list, but I can change some out accordingly if they don't show to business meetings in the crew section. *cough cough* -glares at current crew- lol.

11. Villains section!!! Heroes are not allowed to go there.!!! This is place where villains can talk without hero involvement. If you want to attack the X-men, do it at the mansion or in the city area.


Now it seems you are ready to enter.