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User Image LIFE DUST
A Breedable/Changing Pet Guild

In a world not so different from ours, a land were magic and gods have taken over rather than technology, a people not much unlike our own live out their mortal lives in the regular day to day rigmoral of Human existence. There is always talk of war, famine, peace, love, progression, disaster; just as we experience ourselves. The only difference is, these people are doomed by their own creators and not themselves.

Not too long ago, the Council of Greater Gods deemed the Human race to be unfit for their world. The Humans had begun to favour progression and science over religion and worship and this angered the Gods that had created them. In retaliation, the Gods chose three of their own; Aevah and Ozara, two goddesses of creation and destruction, to annihilate the Humans, and Sojo, a young deity to act as the advisor and scribe to the new race of Earth.

Ozara was only too happy to please her superiors and created a race of Demons that sustained themselves by eating the life force, or Dust, of the Humans, slowly killing them off as they lived amongst them in the more populated regions of Earth. Fortunately for the Humans, Aevah did not see eye to eye with the other Gods in regards to the Humans, thus she set a plan in motion to save them. Aevah used her power to create a new life called 'Life Dust' to act as the guides and guardians of the Humans who faced unknowing impending doom. From this new experiment, the first Dust was born, Aren.

Unfortunately, Ozara and her Demons were too much for Aevah to handle and so she made one last attempt to save the Humans by spreading the Dust Bottles throughout the world in hopes that they would be found, cared for, and raised into Adult Dusts by Humans with good, honour, and purity in their hearts.

And so, it is now up to the Humans to unknowingly save themselves from destruction by raising the young Dusts to full maturity. Can Humanity really be saved?

Welcome to the new LD Guild!